"Kiymedical" Medical Center
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V. Getman St., 1-A, Kiev. Ukraine
"Kiymedical" is a modern multidisciplinary medical center, where you will find help from qualified experts. The clinic is located in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, and this gives it a number of significant advantages. For example: Kyiv is the concentration of all the latest medical technology, it is in this city they appear first and begin to be used on a permanent basis. The capital has a huge number of doctors with extensive...
  • Relevante services See all
  • Primary gynecological consultation
    20 €
  • Gynecological Check-up
    90 €
  • Diagnostic scraping of the uterus and cervical canal
    102 €
  • Cervical diathermoconization
    51 €
  • Laser coagulation of the cervix
    72 €

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport