Doctors See all doctors

Hashim Hisham Tarek
Hashim Hisham Tarek, Kyiv
Ophthalmic Surgeon
Ophthalmology Center "Excimer"

In 2012. - Graduated from Donetsk National Medical University named after Gorky.

From 2012 to 2014, he underwent clinical residency in ophthalmology at the Donetsk Medical Academy.

Ohremenko Larisa Vasilyevna
Ohremenko Larisa Vasilyevna, Kharkiv
Consultant physician of the diagnostic department. Highest-category ophthalmologist
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

Consultant physician of the diagnostic department. Highest-category ophthalmologist

Seniority: 44 years

Parkhomenko Georgy Yakovlevich
Parkhomenko Georgy Yakovlevich, Kyiv
Chief physician of the Noviy Zir network of medical centers, ophthalmic surgeon
Ophthalmology Center "Novy Zir"

Chief physician of the Noviy Zir network of medical centers, ophthalmic surgeon

  • Candidate of Medical Sciences.
  • Highest-category doctor.
  • Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO).
  • Member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS).
  • Member of American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS).
Parkhomenko Oleg Georgievich
Parkhomenko Oleg Georgievich, Kyiv
  • Candidate of Medical Sciences
  • Doctor of the highest category
  • Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
  • Member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) 


  • Cataract surgery
  • Glaucoma Surgery
  • Retinology

Working experience - 15 years

Leichenko Julia Valentinovna
Leichenko Julia Valentinovna, Kyiv
Ophthalmic surgeon, ophthalmologist of surgical and post-operative patients
Ophthalmology Center "Excimer"

Ophthalmic surgeon, ophthalmologist of surgical and post-operative patients.

In 2015, she graduated from the Kiev Medical University of UASM, Faculty of Medicine.

2015-2017 internship in ophthalmology. At the National Bohomolets Medical University on the basis of the ophthalmology department of Kiev Clinical Hospital No. 9 and Alexandrov Clinical Hospital.

Olkhovskaya Victoria Olegovna
Olkhovskaya Victoria Olegovna, Kharkiv
A pediatric ophthalmologist. Highest-category ophthalmologist
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

A pediatric ophthalmologist. Highest-category ophthalmologist

Seniority: 27 years

Khatsenko Igor Aleksandrovich
Khatsenko Igor Aleksandrovich, Kharkiv
Pediatric ophthalmologist. Ophthalmologist
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

Pediatric ophthalmologist. Ophthalmologist

Seniority: 4 years

Pogrebnyak Anna Aleksandrovna
Pogrebnyak Anna Aleksandrovna, Kharkiv
Medical Center "Dokart"


  • Karazin Kharkiv National University (Medical Faculty) 2010-2016.
  • Internship on the basis of KMAPO and Kharkiv municipal clinical hospital №14 named by prof. L.L. Girshman 2016-2018.
Farhat Hassan
Farhat Hassan, Kyiv

Doctor of the highest category


Medvedev Boris Nikolayevich
Medvedev Boris Nikolayevich, Kharkiv

Highest-category ophthalmologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Experience: 23 years

Skrinnik Svetlana Anatolievna
Skrinnik Svetlana Anatolievna, Kharkiv
Physician in the diagnostic department
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

Physician in the diagnostic department

Seniority: 8 years

Pavliv Sofia Andriivna
Pavliv Sofia Andriivna, Lviv
Leading ophthalmologist, ophthalmic surgeon
Ophthalmology Clinic "Pavliv"

Sofiia Pavliv is an integral part of the new generation of ophthalmologists who combine the best knowledge and practices of the medical world. She studied abroad, where she mastered the most modern methods and technologies of ophthalmology and has in-depth medical knowledge of Ukraine, Europe, and other leading countries.

Professional experience: 5 years

Gurbik Zoya Vasilyevna
Gurbik Zoya Vasilyevna, Kyiv

Doctor of the highest category


  • Refractive surgery (laser vision correction)
  • Laser methods for retinal treatment
  • Keratoconus treatment

Professional experience - 24 years

Sardarian Vartui Vahagnovna
Sardarian Vartui Vahagnovna, Kharkiv
Medical Director. Ophthalmologist of the highest category
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

Ophthalmologist of the highest category

Seniority: 17 years

Prikhodko Daria Olegovna
Prikhodko Daria Olegovna, Kharkiv
Physician in the Department of Aesthetic Surgery
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

Physician in the Department of Aesthetic Surgery

Seniority: 2 years

Ivaskevich Maria Yurievna
Ivaskevich Maria Yurievna, Lviv

We are pleased to introduce you to one of the most promising and dedicated medical talents of our Clinic - Maria Ivaskevich. Her passion for ophthalmology and desire to learn the best this field has to offer, practicing side by side with our leading ophthalmologists make her a truly outstanding doctor.

Experience: 1 year

Mogilnaya Irina Viktorovna
Mogilnaya Irina Viktorovna, Kyiv
Pediatric ophthalmologist
Ophthalmology Center "Novy Zir"

Highest-category doctor

Specialization: pediatric ophthalmology

Professional experience: 23 years

Varga Elena Yurievna
Varga Elena Yurievna, Kyiv
Leading specialist of pediatric department, ophthalmologist of the highest category
Ophthalmology Center "Excimer"

Leading specialist of the pediatric department, ophthalmologist of the highest category, member of the Association of Children's Ophthalmologists of Ukraine "ADOU", specialist in orthokeratology treatment.

Selivanova Natalia Alexandrovna
Selivanova Natalia Alexandrovna, Kharkiv
Head of Children's Department. Ophthalmologist of the highest category
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

Head of Children's Departmentю Highest-category ophthalmologist

Seniority: 16 years

Education: Kharkov State Medical University, Department of Pediatrics (2004), certified in orthokeratology (October 2010).

Zavalnyuk Natalya Anatolievna
Zavalnyuk Natalya Anatolievna, Kharkiv
Doctor of the department of laser methods of treatment. Ophthalmologist of the highest category
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

Doctor of the department of laser methods of treatment. Ophthalmologist of the highest category

Seniority: 23 years

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport

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