Shevtsov Alexander Alexandrovich
Consultation with an individual treatment plan | 30 € |
Veneers placement | 260 € |
Dental treatment under general anesthesia (1 hour) | 85 € |
Dental implantation All on 6 | 10000 € |
Jaw surgery | 600 € |
Dental Surgeon
Hello, my name is Shevtsov Alexander Alexandrovich! I want to tell my story about who I am and why I am here, what I strive for and why I chose this particular profession.
I grew up in a family of doctors, but medicine was not my dream. I was passionate about soccer and as a child I rather dreamt about a career as a striker for Manchester United! The realization that I want to devote my life to medicine, and even more so in oral surgery, came to me only on my 3rd year of KSNMU, when on one of the cycles we had couples on the basis of the children's maxillofacial department. That's when I firmly decided for myself that I want to be just a dental surgeon! The choice of profession, I think, determined some of the doctors who worked at the time in the department, namely their professionalism and ability to absolutely calmly and coolly cope with the most difficult situations relating to the health of children. In 2010 I graduated with honors from KNMU.
And here I am, a young professional, thirsty for self-realization, with burning eyes and ambitious plans for the future, completely immersed myself in the profession. But faced with the harsh realities of budgetary medical institutions, my ambitions began to fade, and the daily struggle with the system created doubts... No, I was not disappointed in my choice, but I began to ask myself more and more often, whether I was ready to devote my life to a profession that is not valued in my country? One can argue for a long time on the subject of the deplorable state of public medicine, but all of this discussion inspired only depression and did not give a clear answer to my question.
But I was lucky, I was very lucky! I started working as a surgeon in the family of dental clinics EliteDenta, ECDC and 3D-Clinic. And this is where they helped me answer my question. Here I saw what modern dentistry can really be like. I saw how your work should be treated. These clinics employ specialists of the highest level, and about each of them can write a separate essay! But first of all, these are people with a big heart, fully dedicated to the profession, people with a capital letter, who took me, a young novice doctor, who is not even close to their level as his! I know for sure that if I am not good at something or understand something, they are always there to help me, tell me, show me and teach me. I found my wings again next to these people. I love my country and I have never had thoughts of leaving. I want to work here, I want our patients to get the best service, we are no worse than European colleagues and we prove it every day with our work at Elite Denta. Knowing that there are people in our country who develop medicine, overcoming the monstrous resistance of the imperfect system, gives hope that not everything is lost, and it's worth a lot...
In short, ElitDenta Clinic provides the best equipment, the best tools and materials, advanced treatment methods, continuous training at the best training centers in Ukraine, Russia and Europe. ElitDenta stomatology is a full range of dental services with the presence of all narrow specialists. For me it is a great luck to work here.
I also have an appointment at the European Center of Pediatric Dentistry, which is a separate great joy. Children's eyes full of trust don't give you the right to make a mistake! And the biggest reward for me are the happy smiles of my little patients. I can't help but write that it was here, at ElitDenta clinic, that I found my idol! Watching Vitaly Vitalievich at work is endless! With what virtuoso ease, calmness and confidence he successfully performs the most complex surgical interventions!!! He is a benchmark and role model for me. He proved by his own example what great results can be achieved at such a young age!
Now I can say with confidence that I dedicate myself to surgical dentistry and want to be the best in my profession. After all, I have all the conditions for this: the best dental clinic, the best specialists nearby and grateful patients whose smiles indicate confidence in you and the clinic!
Consultation with an individual treatment plan | 30 € |
Veneers placement | 260 € |
Dental treatment under general anesthesia (1 hour) | 85 € |
Dental implantation All on 6 | 10000 € |
Jaw surgery | 600 € |