Churches in Kiev Ukraine

History of Ukraine

Travelers have always been and, understandably, that to last on a horse or in a carriage for a long time, the whole and very problematic. It was in order to give rest to animals and travelers that the first inns were invented.

Of course, they had another name, namely, inns, and were located in large settlements or on the roads often used by travelers. The first inns are known since the existence of the ancient world (Babylon, Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt). The word "hotel" originally meant inn. But the word "hotel" comes from the French hôtel, derived from hôte - "master". Previously, it was a common house, where often stayed the noble nobles during his travels.

The modern type of hotels, which we are used to seeing, appeared only in the 19th century, with the beginning of the industrial revolution, the development of trade relations and a jump in migration among the population.
The development of hotel business in Ukraine went the same way as in all of Kievan Rus. Small inns and taverns were created. The buildings of the latter were divided into two floors, where the first floor was the dining and entertainment area, and the second floor hosted the rooms for guests.

History of the hospitality industry in Ukraine


As well as in the whole Europe, the 19th century was a turning point in the development of hotel business in Ukraine. The construction of large railroads made traveling possible for many segments of the population. A huge influx of tourists in big cities such as Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa spurred the creation of new hotels in these cities and throughout the country.

Today Ukraine is one of the most popular tourism destinations due to the variety of nature, historical sites and the low cost of recreation. The hotel segment in Ukraine is so diverse that it will be able to meet the needs of both budget tourist and traveler with the needs of the luxury.

Choosing a hotel and its level  in Ukraine

In fact, choose a hotel today, it is a matter of a few clicks on your phone or tablet. On the Internet there are many sites of hotels themselves, as well as services, offering a whole list of hotels with different pricing policy and class.

In addition to the fact that you choose a city where you are going to relax, it is worth paying attention to the number of stars the hotel you came across.

And what do the proverbial stars mean?

With the growing need for hotels in the 20th century, requirements for the appearance of the rooms, level of service and general services provided by hotels have increased. Therefore, it was decided to create a star classification, according to which each hotel is assigned a certain number of stars, from one to five, where one is the lowest rating.

Such a system is used almost everywhere in the world, so if you remember this star principle once, you can easily find a hotel of the desired level almost everywhere.

Let's look in detail what each star implies:

Hotel rating system

  • One star is an inexpensive hotel with a minimum of services, where even daily room cleaning is not always included. In most cases, all rooms are of the same type and are designed for one to four people.
  • Two-star - budget hotel with a slightly larger selection of services. Perhaps the price of the room includes daily cleaning, and the hotel range includes both single and family rooms.
  • Three stars is a mid-range hotel with a standard set of services: daily room cleaning, bathroom, TV, sometimes a minibar or refrigerator. In good variants you may also find guest laundries, swimming pools and gyms, conference halls. But the most important thing is that starting from three stars you can really choose your room. Often such hotels offer a wide range of rooms with a choice of the number of residents and other nice little things.
  • Four-star hotels are high class hotels, offering spa, massage, bar or restaurant, conference facilities in addition to the services offered by three-star hotels. However, and the cost of living in such hotels is rarely in the economy segment.
  • Five-star - a luxury hotel, which features a wide range of services, particularly exclusive: golf clubs, multi-room apartments with a maid or butler, private swimming pools and villas.

    Here you need to understand two things. Remember that for a high service is expensive to pay. And also keep in mind that the five stars in hotels in Turkey and Egypt are not the same five stars that are in hotels in Paris.
  • Six or seven stars is now more of a marketing ploy than an actual assigned rating. But, of course, they are not given to simple hotels, but to the legendary Burj Al Arab and Atlantis The Palm in Dubai, as well as the Town House Galleria in Milan.

As we wrote above, the star system is very popular, but there are exceptions, countries that use their classification:

Germany. The division into five stars, but on a different principle.

  • One is tourist class.
  • Two - standard class.
  • Three is comfort class.
  • Four is first class.
  • Five is deluxe category.

Greece. Letter system.

  • A - four stars.
  • B - three stars.
  • C - two stars.
  • D - economy.
  • De luxe is the highest category.

Recently, Greece has been using both their own system and the five-star system, which means you have less chance of making a mistake.

Great Britain. The five-star system.

  • One star - budget hotels, which are located in the central part of the city, but have a minimum of amenities.
  • Two stars - tourist class hotels, with a restaurant and bar.
  • Three stars - middle class, but with a fairly high level of service.
  • Four stars - first class, very high quality of accommodation and level of service.
  • Five stars - the highest category, luxury class.

Canada and the United States. Do not have a clear classification, but can be roughly oriented as follows:

  • T (Tourist Class) - the most budget option, corresponding to about one, sometimes two stars.
  • Moderate First Class (M) - a three-star hotel.
  • F (First Class) is something between hotels with three stars and three stars with better conditions.
  • S (Superior) - average four-star hotels.
  • D (Superior Deluxe and Deluxe) - well-deserved five stars.

If everything is now clear with the assessment of hotel class, then let's understand what can be waiting for you under this broad word "hotel". Not always expecting to see a typical hotel, we get what we want. Since in fact, hotels are also divided into types.

  • A boarding house is often an establishment that was not planned as a hotel when it was built, owned by a private individual and designed to accommodate 10 to 20 people. Accommodation in a boarding house is more like a trip to visit than a vacation in a real hotel. More coziness, home atmosphere, its own standards and set of services. And most importantly, the star system is rarely applied to them.
  • Half board - the best solution if you want to get the most out of the local color and understand the peculiarities of local life. Half board means renting a room in a small house from the owner, which includes breakfast. Prices for a room can vary greatly depending on the country and even region and, of course, depending on the level of comfort in the rooms and the house as a whole.
  • Motel is one of the most convenient places for recreation travelers in their own car. In most cases, motels are located along highways, have a sufficient number of rooms and do not charge high rates for accommodation. The main drawback of motels is not a high level of service and homogeneity of the rooms.Rest in a hostel
  • Mini-Hotel - One of the largest clusters of mini-hotels is in St. Petersburg, Russia. So historically, the city has a huge number of apartments with an area of 120 to 600 square meters, and it is from them and create mini-hotels, dividing the area into several rooms, with a single kitchen and a small reception. And the main disadvantage of such rooms can be very small size. Otherwise, they also use the star system and you can easily determine the level of comfort you need.

    Rooms in the hostel
  • Hostel is the most budget type of hotel, which is becoming more and more popular around the world. In the hostel you rent not a room but a bed and live in a room with one or more strangers. The bathroom is most often located somewhere in the hallway, and of the services you can only hope for a light breakfast. But if you are not embarrassed by strangers, then it is an ideal option for an economical holiday and overnight stay.

Depending on the class and type of the hotel you choose, the range of services they provide will also differ. Mid-range and above hotels offer their customers as standard: room cleaning, swimming pool, conference rooms, laundry facilities for guests, gyms. In addition, a number of external services are provided: transportation to and from the train station or airport for guests arriving by plane or train, the so-called shuttle service.

This also includes catering, which can be carried out according to the principle:

  • Buffet - a large number of dishes to choose from. Self-service.
  • A la carte (meal "à la carte") - you have an opportunity to choose 2-3 dishes from the proposed menu. Typically, you may have a choice of appetizer, main menu, and dessert.
  • Continental breakfast - a light breakfast consisting of a drink, rolls, butter and jam. Generally offered in European city hotels.
  • English breakfast is a full breakfast and usually includes fruit juice, scrambled eggs and ham, toast, butter, jam, and coffee or tea.

Payment for accommodation  in Ukraine

Payment for accommodation in hotels in Ukraine, as well as around the world, is made in two possible ways: in cash or by bank card. Depending on client's preferences.

Ways of booking  in Ukraine

Booking a room is possible by phone or online. When booking a room it is necessary to specify the exact number of occupants, which beds are installed in the room, if it is, say, a double room where the bed can be one for two. It is necessary to inform about the presence of children and their age, many hotels provide cribs and extra beds. About which, by the way, is also worth checking in advance. And, of course, need to discuss the possibility of staying with pets.

We wish you a wonderful holiday and an unforgettable experience of traveling in Ukraine!

Rest in hotels in Ukraine

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