"Kiymedical" Medical Center
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Free Wi-Fi
V. Getman St., 1-A, Kiev. Ukraine
"Kiymedical" is a modern multidisciplinary medical center, where you will find help from qualified experts. The clinic is located in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, and this gives it a number of significant advantages. For example: Kyiv is the concentration of all the latest medical technology, it is in this city they appear first and begin to be used on a permanent basis. The capital has a huge number of doctors with extensive...
  • Primary gynecological consultation
    20 €
  • Gynecological Check-up
    90 €
  • Diagnostic scraping of the uterus and cervical canal
    102 €
  • Cervical diathermoconization
    51 €
  • Laser coagulation of the cervix
    72 €
Medical Center "Dokart"
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Free Wi-Fi
Kharkiv, 24 Mayakovsky St. (m. University, m. Pushkinskaya)
"Docart" Medical Center is one of the most popular and qualified clinics in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Since its establishment in 2015, the clinic has established itself as an institution that provides its patients with high-quality medical care at the highest level. We are always responsible in recruiting staff for our center; each of them has to correspond to at least three qualifications: professionalism, love for their work, and empathy....
  • Repeated gynecological consultation
    10 €
  • Intimate rejuvenation on the CANDELA CO2 vaginal device (1 session)
    142 €
  • Primary gynecological consultation
    11 €
  • Examination before vaccination with Gardasil
    190 €
  • Cataract treatment and refractive lens replacement AS-IOL LLASY60, Spain
    310 €
Medical Center "A-Medical.Pro"
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Free Wi-Fi
Kharkiv, 3 Klochkivska Street; 5th floor
Medical Center «A-Medical.Pro» – is your reliable friend in taking care of your health. Our clinic is located in Kharkiv, one of the largest cities in Ukraine, and provides a wide range of high quality medical services. We are proud to offer our patients access to advanced treatments and services that meet international standards.
  • Primary gynecological consultation
    14 €
  • Repeated gynecological consultation
    13 €
  • Vacuum abortion (mini-abortion)
    167 €
  • Installation of an IUD (intrauterine device)
    43 €
  • Removal of the IUD (intrauterine device)
    24 €
"Expert" Hospital
Child room
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Free Wi-Fi
Sholom Aleichem Street 11, Lviv. Ukraine
"Expert" Hospital is a new highly specialized hospital, which provides comprehensive medical services with the provision of modern and quality medical care in the center of Lviv. Our hospital offers new standards of treatment and patient care based on impeccable service and safety. Our goal is to create a new image of modern private medicine in Lviv by introducing unified standards of treatment. We value each patient who entrusted...
  • Online gynecologist consultation
    13 €
  • Primary gynecological consultation
    13 €
  • Laparoscopic removal of ovarian cysts
    675 €
  • Removal of paraovarian cysts
    450 €
  • Vaginal stump suturing
    240 €
Reproductology Clinic "ARTKLINIK"
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Free Wi-Fi
Lviv, Gaidamatska str. 2B
«ARTKLINIK» – is not just a medical center, it is a research laboratory of reproductive health, where advanced technologies are combined with years of experience of our specialists. Located in Lviv, this clinic helps couples from all over Ukraine and abroad to overcome reproductive problems and have a baby.
  • IVF + ICSI with own oocytes
    2600 €
  • Mitochondrial donation (MST or PNT)
    15000 €
  • Embryo donation
    3900 €
  • Guaranteed Egg donation (4 embryos for embryo transfer)
    6900 €
  • Combined egg donation
    6100 €
Human Reproduction Clinic "Alternatyva"
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Free Wi-Fi
Lviv, st. Heroiv UPA, 73
Human Reproduction Clinic "Alternatyva" – a leader in providing high quality medical services in Lviv. Our team is one of the few that treats reproductive problems comprehensively, which allows us to identify and treat many more diseases. Our approach to medicine is based on advanced diagnostic and treatment methods, including the use of state-of-the-art practices.
  • Social freezing
    2100 €
  • Standart IVF+ICSI with own eggs
    2500 €
  • Egg donation program min
    4200 €
  • Egg donation program stand
    5400 €
  • Combined program (own IVF cycle + Frozen egg donation)
    7000 €

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport

Gynecological clinics specialize in solving a wide range of problems related to the health of women and their reproductive system. They provide assistance in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various diseases and conditions, such as inflammatory processes, hormonal disorders, pregnancy termination and infertility treatment.

The choice of a quality gynecology clinic is of great importance for the successful solution of medical problems. When you visit a good clinic, you can be sure of the high professionalism of doctors, the use of modern equipment and an individual approach to each patient.

On this page you will find only the best gynecology clinics, where you will find a high level of medical care and gynecologists who will be able to take care of your health!

Feedback from our clients

Перший триместр я була на обліку в державній поліклініці, і це був справжній стрес. Постійні черги, байдужість, безлад з аналізами. Особливо неприємним було те, що навіть якщо лабораторії та кабінети УЗД не мали гарних відгуків по місту, мене все одно направляли саме туди, де лікар з поліклініки, ймовірно отримував комісійні за направлення. І все це під видом "безкоштовного" ведення вагітності, яке насправді виявлялося не таким вже й безкоштовним. Останньою краплею стало те, що державний лікар направив мене на УЗД в інший кінець міста, і коли я сказала, що мені не зручно буде, отримала звинувачення в тому, що я "перебираю". Тоді я зрозуміла, що продовжувати ведення вагітності в цій поліклініці я не маю наміру. Я стала на облік в приватну клініку Експерт у Львові, лікаря я обрала сама. А не так, як в державній поліклініці, лікаря закріплюють за вагітною по адресі проживання! Ніхто там не бере до уваги твої побажання. Вже 5 місяців я під чуйним наглядом у лікаря Паніна Оксана Сергіївна. З самого початку в лікарні Експерт я відчула турботу, професіоналізм, відсутність стресу і зручність обслуговування. Лікар Паніна Оксана Сергіївна дійсно зацікавлена у моєму здоров'ї та благополуччі моєї дитини. Усі аналізи і консультації проводяться без черг, на місці, мені не потрібно їздити по всьому місту. Дівчата, обирайте лікаря, з яким Вам комфортно, бо весь стрес відчуває дитина, і не відомо як це негативно вплине на її розвиток, не шкодуйте на своє здоров'я та вашої дитини. Краще на манікюр лишній раз не сходити, а на здоров'ї економити то така собі ідея. Перевірено на собі.
Лікарня "Експерт"
Олеся Оверчук (Львів)