«ARTKLINIK» – is not just a medical center, it is a research laboratory of reproductive health, where advanced technologies are combined with years of experience of our specialists. Located in Lviv, this clinic helps couples from all over Ukraine and abroad to overcome reproductive problems and have a baby.

IVF + ICSI with own oocytes 2600 €
Mitochondrial donation (MST or PNT) 18500 €
Embryo donation 3900 €
Guaranteed Egg donation (4 embryos for embryo transfer) 6900 €
Combined egg donation 6100 €
PGD - 5 (preimplantation genetic screening by FISH on 5 chromosomes (13, 18, 21, X, Y), the number of embryos not more than 6, without blastocyst / blastomere biopsy) 1900 €
PGD - 9 (preimplantation genetic screening by FISH on 9 chromosomes (13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, X, Y) number of embryos not more than 6, without blastocyst / blastomere biopsy) 2200 €
First reproductologist consultation 55 €
Online consultation by a reproductive specialist 55 €
Primary consultation by a reproductive specialist of the highest category 60 €
Consultation of a reproductive specialist + ultrasound of the pelvic organs 90 €
Urgent consultation after oocyte puncture + pelvic ultrasound 90 €
ICSI 640 €
ERA test (window of implantation) 270 €
Cultivation of embryos till day 3 590 €
Assisted hatching 150 €
Becoming a sperm donor 720 €
Surrogacy with already created embryos (1 ET) 46000 €
Surrogacy with already created embryos (2 ET) 49000 €
Surrogacy with own oocytes (2 ET) 55000 €
Surrogacy with Egg donation (2 ET) 59000 €
Guaranteed Surrogacy with Egg donation 66000 €
Become an oocyte (egg) donor 1490 €
Egg (oocyte) donation 2000 €
Reproductology 1500 €
First reproductologist consultation 15 €
Gynecology 1500 €
Embryology 1500 €
IVF 3500 €
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) 300 €
Pronuclear transfer 18500 €
Sperm bank 730 €
Surrogacy 44000 €

Our doctors

Aydyn Birol
Leading Embryologist
Zhemela Nataliia Ihorivna
Head of the ART department, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics, obstetrician-gynecologist
Semchyshyn Roksolana Oleksandrivna
Medical director, obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor
Karimova Gulnara Rustamzhonovna
Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor
Lobozinskaya Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Feedback from our clients

Nie bój się walczyć o swoje szczęście
W moim kraju obowiązują dziwne prawa. Kiedy kobieta nie chce mieć dziecka, nie wolno jej dokonać aborcji. I odwrotnie, gdy kobieta chce dziecka, ale nie może zajść w ciążę, nie wolno jej mieć dziecka! Kocham mój kraj, ale są pewne rzeczy, których nie mogę zrozumieć. Musiałam pojechać na Ukrainę, aby zostać matką. Moje dziecko urodziła surogatka. Nie ukrywałam tego przed nikim i mówiłam zawsze otwarcie!! Dziś ten temat to żadne TABU - tak wiele par ma problemy z zajściem w ciąże. Pozdrawiam WAS dziewczyny
Ewa Rydzewska (Gdańsk)
Jesteśmy zaskoczeni poziomem usług reprodukcyjnych na Ukrainie
Mam 42 lata i niestety, po dwóch nieudanych zabiegach in vitro w Warszawie, lekarz zalecił mi pogodzenie się z faktem, że nie będę mogła mieć dziecka. Byłam jednak gotowa zrobić wszystko, aby mieć swoje dziecko. Zacząłem przyglądać się klinikom repruduktologii w innych krajach. Dowiedziałem się, że na Ukrainie usługi repruduktologiczne są znacznie nowocześniejsze i wyższej jakości. We Lwowie zadzwoniłam do artklinik, lekarz rozmawiał ze mną po polsku i wysłał mi propozycję leczenia i technologii, w której nie potrzebowałabym komórki jajowej dawczyni. W Polsce nawet tego mi nie zaproponowano. Martwiłam się wojną na Ukrainie i tym, czy wyjazd będzie bezpieczny. Ale po przeczytaniu ponad 100 wiadomości zdałam sobie sprawę, że Lwów znajduje się blisko granicy z Polską i jest bezpiecznym miastem, ponieważ jest daleko od walk. Mój partner i ja pojechaliśmy samochodem, przejście graniczne było łatwe i bez kolejek. Szybko dotarliśmy do Lwowa, piękne miasto. Znaleźliśmy adres kliniki na mapie i już na nas czekali. Pierwsza wizyta była super, komunikacja super. Lekarze mówią płynnie po polsku. Wierzę, że wszystko się uda. Leczenie jeszcze przede mną, ale to co zobaczyłem na Ukrainie bardzo mile mnie zszokowało.
Kamila Lipka (Lublin)

Clinic overview “Reproductology Clinic "ARTKLINIK"”

The clinic specializes in several areas of work

Fertility treatment:

  • Consultations with a gynecologist, reproductologist, urologist, embryologist online and offline.
  • Aspiration biopsy of the endometrium.
  • Electron microscopy of the endometrium.
  • Echosalpingography.
  • Ultrasound of uterus and appendages.
  • Ovulation monitoring in the natural cycle.
  • IVF procedure.

Pregnancy management:

  • Ultrasound at all stages of pregnancy, including emergencies.
  • Dopplerometric examination of the vessels of the functional system: maternal body, fetal placenta.
  • Fetal heart ultrasound.
  • Fetal biophysical profile, etc.

Women's health monitoring:

  • Consultation of specialists.
  • USI:  uterus, appendages, breasts.
  • ultrasound of the uterus and appendages in 3D mode.
  • Mammography.
  • Digital photocolposcopyDigital photocolposcopy.
  • Flora smear.
  • Cytologic examination of cervical smear.

Male health monitoring:

  • Consultation with a urologist.
  • Testicular biopsy.
  • Micro-TESE.

In «ACRTCLINIC» we believe that the foundation of a healthy society – is healthy and happy families. Our main mission – to overcome obstacles to childbirth by utilizing advanced medical technology. We strive to provide innovative solutions in the field of reproductive medicine, giving every age the opportunity to feel the joy of parenthood. Our cherished dream – a world where everyone can realize their dream of a family, where infertility does not stand in the way of creating a new life. A healthy family – a healthy world, and together we make that world a better place.

Benefits of the reproductive clinic «ARTCLINIC»

  • The team of specialists. Our doctors ­– are experts in their field, including obstetricians-gynecologists, reproductologists, urologists, and ultrasound specialists. Most have over 20 years of experience in medical practice.
  • Elite expertise in embryology. Our leading embryologist, Birol Aydin, is the only specialist in the west of Ukraine with certification from Eshre - European Society for Reproductive Medicine and Embryology.
  • Modern equipment. Our laboratory meets the latest international standards. We utilize an advanced Time-lapse embryo culturing system, providing a unique opportunity to observe embryo development from the very beginning. In addition, our electronic monitoring system eliminates the possibility of human error at every stage of the work.
  • Individualized approach. We understand the unique needs of each patient and provide deeply personalized treatment. We prioritize our patients' emotional well-being and trust.
  • Comprehensive treatment. Our clinic offers a multi-faceted, integrated approach to treatment where each process is coordinated to achieve the best results.
  • High success rates. Thanks to our advanced treatment methods and highly trained staff, we are proud of our impressive treatment success rates, which are in line with global quality standards.
  • Programs for foreign patients. Understanding the unique needs of patients coming from abroad, we have developed specialized programs that provide complete medical care as well as a comfortable stay in Ukraine.
  • A wide range of options. In an effort to help couples find the desired baby, we do not dwell solely on traditional methods of treatment, as we understand that in order to overcome infertility must use all possible options. We provide not only medical treatment but also services such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

When you choose «ARTKLINIK», you can be sure that our doctors are professional, sensitive to your concerns and worries, and that we will do everything possible to help you discover the joy of parenthood.

Clinic contacts “Reproductology Clinic "ARTKLINIK"”

Lviv, Gaidamatska str. 2B

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