Ophthalmology Center "Excimer"
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Kiev, Delovaya str. 5-B
The "Excimer" Eye Clinic in Kiev is a recognized leader in the field of high-technology ophthalmic services in Ukraine. Since 1999, the clinic has been introducing international standards of ophthalmology into Ukrainian medicine and advocating caring and attentive approach to the treatment of one of the most precious gifts - vision. The "Excimer" Eye Correction Center aims at achieving best results, in other words, ...
  • Relevante services See all
  • VTICM Posterior Chamber Flexible Phakic Lens Implantation (STAAR)
    1500 €
  • Implantation of a VICMO (STAAR) posterior chamber flexible phakic lens
    1475 €
  • VTICMO (STAAR) Posterior Chamber Flexible Phakic Lens Implantation
    1570 €
  • Refractive lens replacement with MULTIFOCAL IOL implantation; Alcon (USA), Carl Zeiss (Germany)
    1035 €
  • Refractive lens replacement with implantation of a MULTIFOCUS ASTIGMATIC IOL; Alcon (USA), Carl Zeiss (Germany)
    1270 €
Ophthalmology Center "Novy Zir"
Glubochitskaya str. 17. Kyiv, Ukraine
"Novy Zir" is one of the largest ophthalmologic structures in Ukraine, which has absorbed all the latest achievements of the world medicine. This is 7 modern centers, which are ready to provide services of the highest quality from vision diagnostics to solution of the most complicated problems of eye diseases treatment. The main peculiarity of "Novy Zir"centers is the professionalism of the medical personnel. Here are consu...
  • Relevante services See all
  • Ophthalmology
    1000 €
  • Corneal segment implantation
    1100 €
  • VICH Phakic IOL implantation (+2.75D hyperopia)
    1690 €
  • VTICMO Phakic Toric IOL implantation (toric myopia over -6D)
    1995 €
  • VICMO Phakic IOL implantation (myopia over -6D)
    1795 €
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"
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Kharkiv, st. O. Yarosha, 16 G
"Ophthalmica" is an international center of advanced ophthalmic technologies. It is the only center for people with vision problems in Ukraine, where the main principles of qualitative and effective medicine are united: Doctors. Our doctors attend annual advanced training courses and trainings abroad, gain new theoretical and practical experience. The newest and multifunctional equipment. This allows us not only to perform opera...
  • Relevante services See all
  • Complete ophthalmologic examination
    23 €
  • Phototherapeutic keratectomy. PTK (one eye)
    330 €
  • Corneal collagen crosslinking procedure using riboflavin (crosslinking). UVX (one eye)
    355 €
  • Consultation before laser vision correction
    10 €
  • Preliminary examination before laser vision correction
    13 €
Medical Center "Dokart"
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Free Wi-Fi
Kharkiv, 24 Mayakovsky St. (m. University, m. Pushkinskaya)
"Docart" Medical Center is one of the most popular and qualified clinics in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Since its establishment in 2015, the clinic has established itself as an institution that provides its patients with high-quality medical care at the highest level. We are always responsible in recruiting staff for our center; each of them has to correspond to at least three qualifications: professionalism, love for their work, and empathy....
  • Relevante services See all
  • Comprehensive examination and consultation by an ophthalmologist
    11.5 €
  • Multifocal lenses with astigmatism correction Acrysof® IQ Panoptix Toric TFNT40 Alcon, USA
    1660 €
  • Monofocal lenses with intermediate vision and astigmatism correction TECNIS Eyhance Toric IOL (DIU800), Johnson & Johnson, USA
    930 €
  • Treatment of glaucoma. Sinustrabeculoectomy (one eye)
    197 €
  • Multifocal lenses. TECNIS Synergy. Johnson & Johnson. USA
    1200 €
Ophthalmology Center "Excimer" in Odessa
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8-V Armeyskaya str. Odessa. Ukraine
The "Excimer" Eye Center is a state-of-the-art clinic with highly qualified doctors, state-of-the-art equipment, and a desire to help everyone. Thousands of grateful patients, hundreds of surgeries performed, and countless lives made better by our doctors!
  • Relevante services See all
  • Implantation of a VICH/VICM flexible posterior chamber phakic lens (STAAR)
    1410 €
  • VTICH (STAAR) Posterior Chamber Flexible Phakic Lens Implantation
    2010 €
  • VTICM Posterior Chamber Flexible Phakic Lens Implantation (STAAR)
    1500 €
  • Implantation of a VICMO (STAAR) posterior chamber flexible phakic lens
    1475 €
  • VTICMO (STAAR) Posterior Chamber Flexible Phakic Lens Implantation
    1570 €
"Expert" Hospital
Child room
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Sholom Aleichem Street 11, Lviv. Ukraine
"Expert" Hospital is a new highly specialized hospital, which provides comprehensive medical services with the provision of modern and quality medical care in the center of Lviv. Our hospital offers new standards of treatment and patient care based on impeccable service and safety. Our goal is to create a new image of modern private medicine in Lviv by introducing unified standards of treatment. We value each patient who entrusted...
  • Relevante services See all
  • Full examination by an ophthalmologist (examination of visual acuity with correction, biomicroscopy of the anterior segment of the eye, ophthalmoscopy, tonometry, consultation)
    16 €
  • Ophthalmoscopy
    8 €
  • Diagnosis of dry eye syndrome
    6 €
  • Gonioscopy of the eye
    5 €
  • Removal of a foreign body from the eye
    10 €

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport


/directions/cataract-surgeryOphthalmology in Ukraine is developing rapidly. More and more modern and innovative methods of diagnosing complex diseases of the visual organ are being introduced, and effective therapy is being developed. Ophthalmology clinics apply laser methods of visual acuity correction and practice partial or full eyeball prosthetics.

Ophthalmology in Ukraine


Doctors See all doctors

Vishtak Alyona Valerievna
Vishtak Alyona Valerievna, Kyiv
Ophthalmic surgeon, ophthalmologist of the highest category
Ophthalmology Center "Excimer"

Ophthalmic surgeon, ophthalmologist of the highest category, member of the Association of Ophthalmologists - Neuro-Ophthalmologists, Glaucomatologists of Ukraine.

Mityuk Lesya Anatolievna
Mityuk Lesya Anatolievna, Kharkiv
Doctor of the diagnostic department. Ophthalmologist of the highest category
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

Doctor of the diagnostic department. Ophthalmologist of the highest category

Seniority: 24 years

Ivaskevich Maria Yurievna
Ivaskevich Maria Yurievna, Lviv

We are pleased to introduce you to one of the most promising and dedicated medical talents of our Clinic - Maria Ivaskevich. Her passion for ophthalmology and desire to learn the best this field has to offer, practicing side by side with our leading ophthalmologists make her a truly outstanding doctor.

Experience: 1 year

Bakaev Igor Vasilievich
Bakaev Igor Vasilievich, Kyiv

Doctor of the highest category


  • Retinology
  • Laser microsurgery of eye

Working experience - 35 years

Filipchuk Alexander Nikolayevich
Filipchuk Alexander Nikolayevich, Kyiv

Highest-category doctor

Specialization: vitreoretinal surgery

Professional experience - 22 years


  • Graduated from the Bukovinskaya State Medical Academy in 1998

The main reasons for seeking help from a specialist include:

  • inflammatory processes of the visual organ;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • myopia;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma.


The clinical manifestations of eye disease are varied. It is necessary to seek help in the clinic of modern ophthalmology when you have:Eye exam with an ophthalmologist

  • sensation of a foreign body or small grains of sand on the mucosa of the eye;
  • a narrowing of the fields of vision;
  • increased ocular pressure;
  • soreness in the eyeball;
  • fever, flickers, lightning, or fog in front of the eyes;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • double vision;
  • changes in the shape, diameter, asymmetry of the pupils;
  • edema;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • purulent discharge from the eye. 


The best diagnostics which an ophthalmology clinic can offer is carried out by experienced specialists with high-tech equipment of domestic and foreign production. Each center of ophthalmology selects individual tactics of examination for a patient with pathology of the visual organ, which depends on complaints and includes: 

  • standard assessment of visual acuity, examination of the fundus and measurement of intraocular pressure.
  • optical coherence tomography - an ultramodern method of examination, which gives an opportunity to evaluate the condition of the retina and optic nerve. 3.
  • aberrometry - used to diagnose short sightedness, farsightedness and the type of lens curvature changes seen with astigmatism.
  • ultrasound biomicroscopy - an innovative method of examination, which uses ultrasound waves to assess the condition of the structures of the eye: lens, cornea, iris, ciliary muscles, optic nerve.
  • retinal vascular dopplerography - examination of blood flow in the central retinal artery and its small branches.
  • computer perimetry - assessment of visual fields, which may be altered by glaucoma, dystrophic retinal diseases, optic nerve atrophy.


The Clinic of Ophthalmology offers a full range of medical services that allow patients to restore vision, improve the outflow of intraocular fluid, prevent further cellular detachment, and eliminate cosmetic defects in the eye cavity. 

  • laser techniques are used to correct myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and keratoconus. The treatment is absolutely painless, atraumatic, fast and permanently eliminates the need for lenses or glasses. Laser beams are used to destroy the intraocular blocks which interfere with the normal outflow of fluid in glaucoma. Surgical intervention normalizes the intraocular pressure and reduces degenerative processes in the retina.
  • microsurgical treatment is performed for cataract, with the aim of removing the crystalline lens and implanting its prosthesis, which does not make the patient uncomfortable and does not require a long rehabilitation period.
  • cross-linking is a combined therapeutic and laser treatment of the cornea, stimulating the formation of collagen fibers and blocking the progression of keratoconus. Today, this method is one of the best options that ophthalmology clinics can offer for the treatment of this disease.
  • plastic surgery is successfully performed for drooping upper eyelids and strabismus in children.

Cure vision disorders in Ukraine is a reliable way to once and for all regain the ability to see, forget about glasses and painful feelings. Contact us, and we will help you find the best eye clinic for you.

Vision Therapy in Ukraine