When we create a family, we plan to become not just spouses, but also a mom and a dad. Unfortunately, the miracle of having children does not always happen. Statistically, one in ten couples in the world faces the problem of infertility. Does this mean that they will never become parents?

Fortunately not. Infertility, both male and female, can be cured.

The clinic for Reproductive Medicine named after academician V.I. Gryshchenko has been successfully treating all types of male and female infertility for more than 30 years.

Reproductive medicine is our specialty, our work, our way of giving patients happiness. We are experts in assisted reproductive technology and in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Our mission is to help our patients become happy parents.

To achieve this, we use the latest technology, high-quality European equipment, as well as our own unique experience.

At present, the Clinic for Reproductive Medicine named after Academician V.I. Gryshchenko is a medical institution that provides a full range of treatment and diagnosis services for female and male infertility.

Continuous research, new experience, daily hard work and an irresistible desire to give a couple the opportunity to become parents have become the "gold standard" of the Clinic. The results of the activities of our reproductologists are the birth of more than ten thousand children whose parents applied to the Clinic.

The staff professionalism guarantees an individual approach and high treatment efficiency for each patient.



Surrogacy service 43000 €
Become a surrogate 23000 €
Become an oocyte (egg) donor 1000 €
Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Intense" 2183 €
Consultation with an individual treatment plan 25 €
Vaginoplasty 120 €
Laparotomy uterine extirpation (increased complexity) 755 €
Pelvic peritoneal colpopoiesis with laparoscopic assistance 455 €
Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Optimal" 2080 €
Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Basic" 1610 €
In Vitro Fertilization (with ICSI, no medications) 920 €
In Vitro Fertilization (no ICSI, no medications) 707 €
Provision of donor oocytes for IVF (fresh) 1530 €
Provision of donor oocytes for IVF (vitrified) 955 €
Laparoscopy, hysterectomy 635 €
Online consultation by a reproductive specialist 12 €
Reproductology 1500 €
IVF 1500 €
Egg (oocyte) donation 4500 €
First reproductologist consultation 40 €
Embryology 120 €
Sperm bank 600 €
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) 300 €
Surrogacy 46000 €

Our doctors

Gryshchenko Nikolay Grigorievich
Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist
Parashchuk Valentin Yuryevich
Chief physician, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist
Drogovoz Ekaterina  Vladimirovna
Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist, doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics, doctor of cervical pathology office.
Blazhko Julia Sergeevna
Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist, doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics.
Kolomiets Yuri Vladimirovich
Chief physician of the Dneprovskiy affiliate, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist.
Kiyanenko Vitaly Anatolievich
Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist of the Dnieper branch
Petrova Galina Andreevna
Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist.
Roslyakova Natalya Aleksandrovna
Physician of the highest category in the specialty "Obstetrics and gynecology", specialist in ultrasonic diagnostics.
Kiseleva Marina Nikolaevna
Chief physician of Zaporizhzhya branch, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist, ultrasound doctor.

Feedback from our clients

Jesteśmy w ciąży
Mam na imię Nicole i pochodzę z Portland w stanie Oregon. Od 7 lat nie możemy z mężem począć dziecka. Zdiagnozowano u mnie niepłodność i przepisano mi kosztowne leczenie. Moja przyjaciółka pochodzi z Ukrainy i kiedy powiedziałam jej o problemach z ubezpieczeniem zdrowotnym, poradziła mi, żebym pojechała do Kijowa i tam się leczyła. Myśleliśmy z mężem, że to szaleństwo. Ale po kilku tygodniach zdecydowaliśmy się. Skontaktowałam się z Dmitrijem, który po zapoznaniu się z moją diagnozą zaproponował kilka możliwości klinik. Wybraliśmy klinikę Grischenko. Nasza lekarka Elena była bardzo miła i taktowna. To były trudne dni. Testy, badania. Byliśmy z mężem zmęczeni, ale to nie było na darmo. Nie mogliśmy przejść przez cały proces leczenia, musieliśmy wrócić do domu. Lekarze spotkali się z nami i dostosowali niektóre zabiegi do naszych możliwości. Wróciliśmy do domu zmęczeni, ale dosłownie pół roku później udało nam się zajść w ciążę. Dziękuję.
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko
Nicole Coleman (Portland, Oregon)
We're pregnant
My name is Nicole and I am from Portland, Oregon. My husband and I have been unable to conceive for 7 years. I was diagnosed with infertility and prescribed expensive treatments. My friend is from Ukraine and when I told her about the problems with health insurance coverage, she advised me to go to Kiev and get treatment there. My husband and I thought it was crazy. But after a couple of weeks we made up our minds. I contacted Dmitriy and he suggested several options for clinics after learning about my diagnosis. We chose Grischenko clinic. Our doctor Elena was very nice and tactful. Those were difficult days. Tests, examinations. My husband and I were tired, but it was not for nothing. We could not go through the whole course of treatment, we had to go home. The doctors met us and adjusted some of the procedures to our abilities. We flew home exhausted, but literally six months later we were able to get pregnant. Thank you.
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko
Nicole Coleman (Portland, Oregon)

Our certificates

Clinic overview “Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko”

History of the Clinic

The foundation year of the Clinic is considered to be 1983, when on the basis of the Institute of Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, an Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valentin Ivanovich Gryshchenko created the country's first human reproduction laboratory, which was later transformed into the Implant Human Reproduction Center (Clinic "Implant").

Here he brought together a large team of medical professionals and biologists. In the conditions where they lacked special equipment, necessary drugs and media, they still studied and introduced new technologies for the treatment of infertility.

In 1990, the laboratory conducted the first successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle in Ukraine, as a result of which a girl, Katya, was born on March19 1991.

A unique event in the history of reproduction is considered to be the first surrogacy program in Ukraine and the CIS countries at the Implant Center for Human Reproduction. A 48-year-old woman bore and gave birth to a child for her daughter, who did not have anatomical and physiological capabilities for bearing a pregnancy (there was no uterus).

Since 1985, the Institute conducted studies on the possibility of using ultra-low temperatures and hypothermia for storing sperm, oocytes and human embryos.

In August 2003, the first child was born at the Implant Center in Ukraine after transplanting cryopreserved embryos into the patient’s uterus.

In 2001, the Department of Gynecological Endoscopy was opened and it began its activities.

And the clinic, now bearing the name of V.I. Gryshchenko, can boast of being:

The first clinic of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in Ukraine

The first in Ukraine with a child born as a result of IVF

The first in Ukraine and former the USSR donor sperm bank

The first successful surrogacy program in the CIS

On January 3, 2011 Valentyn Ivanovych Gryshchenko died. He passed away, but is in the hearts of happy parents and their children, in the hearts of his colleagues and students. He taught us to learn every day, hour and minute, remembering the goals for which we work and live, to love and value people and to sincerely strive to help them, while maintaining the traditions of humanism, professionalism and collegiality.


Clinic contacts “Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko”

Blagovischenska Steet, 25, Kharkiv, Kharkivs'ka oblast, 61000

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