"Parodent" Dentistry
"Parodent" Dentistry, Lviv
Parodent Dental Clinic Network is one of the most reputable and qualified dental clinics not only in Lviv, but throughout Ukraine. 22 years of experience allows us to speak about the clinic "Parodent" as a center of dental excellence in the country. Over the years, the clinic has created the necessary devices for the aesthetics of teeth. It is about a number of requirements that the clinic makes to the work in general and to the doct...
  • Dental treatment under general anesthesia (1 hour)
    108 €
  • Dental treatment under the microscope
    130 €
  • "Connect Star" Abutment (straight, angled, customized)
    166 €
  • "Connect Star" Zirconia Abutment
    176 €
  • Placement of 1 "Osstem" implant (Korea) (first stage)
    250 €
Modern office in the clinic Misto Dent in Kharkov Ukraine
Dentistry "Misto Dent", Kharkiv
"Misto Dent" is a leading dentistry in Kharkov, geographically located in a convenient area of the city. Just a few minutes from the metro station "Botanichesky Sad" you will see a modern business center, where the dental center is located, where you can get a comprehensive consultation and undergo the necessary medical procedures.
  • Dental treatment in your sleep (1 hour)
    100 €
  • Dental treatment under the microscope
    74 €
  • Dental implantation All on 6
    10000 €
  • Metal-free ceramic crown on zirconia abutment CAD/CAM technology (Nobel Biocare/Straumann system)
    420 €
  • Whitening with the Beyond system (one jaw)
    90 €
Service in the clinic TrioDent Odessa Ukraine
Dental clinic "TrioDent", Odessa
"TrioDent" - professional dentistry! Choosing a dental clinic, patients always focus on the assistance of a dentist. Our main dignity and pride are highly qualified and talented specialists who are constantly developing, improving their qualification, using modern scientific methods in diagnostics and preparation, finding an approach to each patient and doing everything to make the result exceed your expectations.  
  • Open osteoplasty at tooth extraction site (including cost of osteoplastic material)
    295 €
  • Metal-free zirconium dioxide ceramic crown with E.mah ceramic, on screw-retained implant
    360 €
  • Dental treatment under the microscope
    180 €
  • Installation of MIS system implant (Israel) + standard abutment (without taking into account the cost of the orthopedic structure)
    390 €
  • Shtrauman system implant placement (Switzerland) + standard abutment (without taking into account the cost of orthopedic structure)
    720 €
Reception in My Dentistry in Lviv
"My Dentistry" clinic, Lviv
In the heart of Lviv, where historical traditions and modern quality are combined, My Dentistry Clinic offers first-class service in accordance with international quality standards. Forget old stereotypes about dental procedures: our clinic is equipped according to the latest innovations in dentistry, which makes treatment as comfortable and safe as possible. Advantages for our patients: Convenient location. Our clinic is located in a co...
  • Consultation
    10 €
  • Dental implantation All on 6
    2300 €
  • Dental treatment under general anesthesia (1 hour)
    138 €
  • Dental treatment under the microscope
    230 €
  • Prosthetics with Cercon crown (taking impressions, making a crown, cementation. Anesthesia is paid separately)
    155 €

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport

Jaw surgery

This article will tell you everything you need to know about orthognathic jaw surgery, including recovery time, complications, surgery costs, and more from our experience with this surgery.

Corrective jaw surgery

Also known as orthognathic surgery fixes the misalignment of your jaw bone to realign teeth for people that have a severe overbite or  underbite and it can really help improve your speech and your smile.

Is typically done by an oral surgeon under general anesthesia in a hospital setting and most people don't know that it takes a team of dentist and specialist to get the job done.

Doctors See all doctors

Sidorchuk Sergii Georgievich
Sidorchuk Sergii Georgievich, Lviv
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Implantologist, Surgeon, Orthopedist
"Parodent" Dentistry

After completing his studies in Lviv in 1999, followed by internship and practicum, Sidorchuk S.G. started working at the Parodent Clinic. For many years he has been helping his patients to regain self-confidence, because he is an implantologist. He has no equal in this field.

  • Consultation
    14 €
  • All-ceramic crown based on zirconium oxide
    173 €
  • Dental treatment under the microscope
    130 €
  • Dental treatment under general anesthesia (1 hour)
    108 €
  • Installation of 1 "Straumann" SLactive (Switzerland) hydrophilic implant; NOBEL Replace (USA) (first stage)
    527 €
Arnautova Zoya
Arnautova Zoya, Odessa
General Dentist, Surgeon-Dentist
Dentistry "Your Dentist"

Education: Odessa National Medical University, master's degree and internship

  • Jaw surgery
    850 €
  • Consultation
    15 €
  • Veneers placement
    280 €
  • Teeth whitening
    60 €
  • Decorations for teeth
    30 €
Nagornyak Julia Borisovna
Nagornyak Julia Borisovna, Lviv
General Dentist, Endodontist
"Parodent" Dentistry

Yulia Borysovna Nagornyak is the head of the therapeutic department of the Parodent Clinic in Lviv.


  • Dental treatment under the microscope
    140 €
  • Teeth whitening with lamp and Beyond system (one jaw) (smile area)
    78 €
  • Decorations for teeth
    15 €
  • Veneers placement
    260 €
  • Metal-ceramic crown
    81 €
Fareniuk Oleg
Fareniuk Oleg, Odessa
Dentist-surgeon, implantologist
Dental clinic "TrioDent"

Dentist-surgeon, implantologist

  • Jaw surgery
    800 €
  • Metal-free zirconium dioxide ceramic crown with E.mah ceramic, on screw-retained implant
    360 €
  • Installation of MIS system implant (Israel) + standard abutment (without taking into account the cost of the orthopedic structure)
    390 €
  • Shtrauman system implant placement (Switzerland) + standard abutment (without taking into account the cost of orthopedic structure)
    720 €
  • Veneers placement
    360 €
Sprinskij Ruslan Igorevich
Sprinskij Ruslan Igorevich, Lviv
"My Dentistry" clinic

Specialization: root canal treatment
An endodontist specializes in the treatment of root canals, which allows you to save a tooth even in difficult cases.

In their work, endodontists use a microscope and special dental instruments that make it possible to find and treat the most difficult root canals (narrow, branched, curved, etc.).

Due to their special knowledge and experience, the skills of an endodontist are far superior to those of a general dentist.

So who are the ideal candidates for this type of jaw surgery?

Well, this type of surgery is typically done for patients that have severe bite problems. That cannot be corrected with braces alone it can help with your bite If you have difficulty chewing food it helps correct facial imbalances such as a small chin underbite overbite or even a crossbite it can help with breathing problems due to sleep apnea and the list goes on.

Let's talk about the two main reasons why people get jaw surgery

Correcting a severe underbite is one popular reason why people get jaw surgery and you can do this in two ways.

One is to move your upper jaw forward and the other way is to move your lower jaw back. 

Both options are going to give you better symmetry and alignment of your face and sometimes they have to do a bi-jaw or double jaw surgery in order to get the best results overbites are corrected by moving the lower jaw forward or moving the upper jaw backward. Remember that changing the position of your jaw can have a huge impact on your overall facial appearance as well as how your body functions. For example if you move your upper jaw forward it can change the appearance of your nose and if you move lower jaw backwards it can limit your airway.  So it’s important that your oral surgeon evaluate all these options in order to put you in the most stable condition.

So now we want to talk to you about each step of the jaw surgery

You’re going to be put in braces and the orthodontist is going to line your teeth in a way that makes sense for the oral surgeon before he repositions your jaw. After this is done you're going to schedule an appointment with your oral surgeon typically in a hospital setting under general anesthesia and the oral surgeon is basically going to make cuts in your jaw that allow them to freely, reposition the jaw and the orientation that makes the most sense they then place plates and screws to secure the jaw into position and these implant will integrate with your body. They are permanent and they will keep your jaw stable and sometimes a surgeon may recommend wiring your teeth together using the braces that you have on in order to secure it kind of like a cast, which will make the recovery process a little bit more predictable.

Once this is done you're going to heal and orthodontist is going to take over to make any other repositioning that they need to do with your teeth in order to give you the best smile possible.

What about the recovery process?

Doctors going to recommend eating a soft food diet, avoiding strenuous activity avoiding tobacco and obviously having excellent oral hygiene at home.

Complete healing can take anywhere between 12 weeks or more, depending on how Invasive, the surgery.

After the surgery, you will definitely experience some pain and swelling difficulty, eating due to a bite change and you're also going to have to get adjusted to a new facial appearance member that you just had jaw surgery and there's a lot of swelling and sometimes it can be a shock to look in the mirror and see this basically really swollen face, but don't be alarmed.

The swelling will subside overtime and eventually it's going to look much, much better for me.

What are the complications and risks associated with this type of jaw surgery?

Procedure. There are some risks that we have to mention these include infection, blood loss, nerve injury jaw, fracture, relapse of the jaw position problems with your bite and temporomandibular joint pain.

How much does jaw surgery cost

Cost is always a tricky question, but the surgery costs an average of $20,000 to $40,000.

However, if you have really good medical insurance and there's a reason other than Aesthetics to do the jaw surgery, for example, if you're having problems breathing, and you want to move your lower jaw forward, or if you're having problems with your speech, or speech, impediment, or things like that, then your insurance can cover a lot.

The best thing to do is always get a consultation, go check with your medical insurance company and see what the coverage is.

The surgery has complications. For example, a nerve can be damaged, it is really possible. As in my case, you will have to get used to a different kind of face. Some people have amazing results and like the way they look. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and some people have to deal with it. That's why we advise you not to take this decision lightly. It's an important decision. It's a life-changing decision, and you have to evaluate the pros and cons of surgery.

We hope this article helps someone in need. And remember, if you are looking for a great dentist, be sure to contact the UAmedTOURS manager for a consultation.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to be a substitute for such advice or treatment by a personal physician. All readers of this material are advised to consult their own physicians or qualified health care professionals. UAmedTOURS is not responsible for the possible health consequences to any person or persons reading or following the information contained in this educational content. All readers of this content, especially those who take prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before making any changes in their diet, lifestyle, taking pills, or other facts that may affect your physical and psychological health.