Clinic of reproductive medicine "LITA"
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м. Kyiv, 28 Dniprovska embankment street
Mon-Fri: 8:00-17:00, Sat: 9:00-14:00, Sun: Closed
The desire to have a child is one of the most sacred for any family, especially for women. The happiness that a baby brings to its parents, its first steps and smile, words and achievements fill our lives with meaning. Unfortunately, today's world statistics show that most couples of mature age have difficulties with having a baby and cannot get pregnant during the first year of attempts. The age at which a couple may have fertility pro...
  • Relevante services See all
  • Become an oocyte (egg) donor
    1100 €
  • Program "Oocyte donation"
    4700 €
  • Guaranteed Surrogacy with Egg donation
    58200 €
  • Surrogacy with already created embryos (1 ET)
    40000 €
  • IVF program standard
    1390 €
Clinic “IVMED”
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Free Wi-Fi
Kyiv. Aviakonstruktor Antonov str. 2-B LCD SHERWOOD
Mon-Sat: 08:00 - 18:00. Sunday: day off
IVMED is your trusted partner on the road to parenthood! IVMED is a clinic of reproductive medicine, where advanced technologies and individual approaches come together to achieve your dream of having a child. Our team of highly qualified specialists has helped more than 10,000 couples from around the world become happy parents over the past 20 years.
  • Relevante services See all
  • Become an oocyte (egg) donor
    1360 €
  • Combined program (own IVF cycle + Frozen egg donation)
    6300 €
  • IVF-standard program with egg donation
    5200 €
  • Cryopreserved donated embryos adoption program
    2000 €
  • Egg donation program with guarantee of 2 embryo transfers
    7000 €

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport

Egg donation (oocytes) in Kiev

When a couple has trouble getting pregnant naturally, the only chance for a remedy is medical help.

First of all, you need to see a doctor and find out the reason for the lack of pregnancy. It should be taken into account that it is possible to speak about any problems with conception only after a year of regular attempts to get pregnant.

After consultation with a specialist, the couple will be offered several treatment options one of them – egg donation.

One of the best clinics for oocyte donation services is located in Kyiv, Ukraine.

What is oocyte donation?

Oocyte donation, also known as oocyte donation, – is a process in which a woman (donor) provides her oocytes (eggs) for use by another woman who is unable or has difficulty conceiving her own child.

The quality of the donor egg depends not only on the success of future IVF but also on the course of pregnancy and the health of the future baby. Therefore, the selection of oocyte donors is given great attention.

Contact a UAmedTOURS manager and we will help you to become an oocyte donor or find donor oocytes for you – +38 (068) 770-61-77 (Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber).

Doctors See all doctors

Vladykina  Nataliia Volodymyrivna
Vladykina Nataliia Volodymyrivna, Kyiv
Reproductologist, geneticist
Clinic of reproductive medicine "LITA"

The highest qualification category. Over 22 years of experience

Education: 1998 - Bogomolets National Medical University, School of Medicine.

Parpalei Karolina Konstantinovna
Parpalei Karolina Konstantinovna, Kyiv
Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, reproductologist
Clinic “IVMED”

Karolina Konstantinovna Parpaley, MD, is a highly qualified obstetrician-gynecologist with over 16 years of experience in reproductive medicine. She specializes in infertility treatment, cervical pathology diagnosis and treatment, as well as first and second-trimester ultrasound screening.

Savchenko Iryna Stanislavivna
Savchenko Iryna Stanislavivna, Kyiv
Reproductologist, obstetrician-gynecologist
Clinic of reproductive medicine "LITA"

Savchenko Iryna Stanislavivna - has extensive experience in the field of obstetric and gynecological endocrinology, infertility treatment, family planning and contraception, treatment of benign pelvic neoplasms, including uterine fibroids, pathology and treatment of the cervix.

Highest qualification category. Over 20 years of experience.

Education: 1999 - Zaporizhzhia State Medical University.

Ulanova Veronika Valeryevna
Ulanova Veronika Valeryevna, Kyiv
Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, reproductologist
Clinic “IVMED”

Veronika Valeryevna Ulanova — an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category and a reproductive specialist with more than 21 years of professional experience. She specializes in the treatment of complex forms of infertility, particularly those caused by endocrine and immunological factors.

Deineko Tetiana Serhiivna
Deineko Tetiana Serhiivna, Kyiv
Reproductologist, obstetrician-gynecologist
Clinic of reproductive medicine "LITA"

Highest qualification category. More than 22 years of experience


  • 2020 - Kyiv State Medical University, thematic improvement course "Fertility disorders".
  • Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, thematic improvement course "Endocrine problems of female reproductive health".
  • 2013 - Bukovinian State Medical University, thematic advanced training course "Diagnosis and treatment of infertility. Assisted reproductive technologies in obstetrics and gynecology".
  • 2005 - Donetsk Regional Clinical Territorial Medical Association, internship course "Ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology".

Any woman can become an egg donor?

No. Each clinic in Kyiv, which is engaged in the collection of donor oocytes, is interested in their high quality. Therefore, there are a number of requirements for a possible donor:

  • Age, usually, varies from 18 to 33 years, although this may depend on individual circumstances.
  • Donors must maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid unhealthy habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking, and drug use.
  • There must be an absence of genetic, chronic, psychiatric, and other conditions that could be inherited by the child or affect the quality of the oocytes.
  • If a woman has recently given birth, there must be at least six months postpartum and lactation must have stopped 2-3 months before the donation process begins.
  • Potential donors must also be off the list of people with medical contraindications to participate in the oocyte donation program.

Some clinics may also have specific requirements regarding a woman's appearance: hair color, eye color, skin color, height, body constitution, and race.

These requirements are less common, but sometimes couples are interested in donor genetic material with a specific data set.

In most cases, however, medical centers in Kyiv focus on the health of the woman to reduce the likelihood of problems during pregnancy and abnormalities in the child.

How does donor oocyte collection take place?

The process of donor oocyte collection involves several steps:

  • Preparation. First, the donor woman undergoes a basic examination, including a general health check, hormonal levels, and an ovarian ultrasound.
  • Ovulation stimulation. The donor is prescribed hormones to stimulate the growth of several follicles (ovaries). This process may take about 10-12 days.
  • Monitoring. During ovulation stimulation, regular monitoring with ultrasound and blood tests is done to track the development of oocytes.
  • Oocyte retrieval. When the follicles reach a certain size, an oocyte retrieval procedure is performed. This is usually performed with an external ultrasound scan. By passing a needle through the abdominal wall, the oocytes are extracted from the follicles using an aspiration needle. Anesthesia is used during the procedure.
  • Oocyte transfer. The extracted oocytes are transferred to a laboratory where they will be used for the IVF procedure using partner or donor sperm.
  • Examination and cryopreservation. The oocytes can be examined and frozen for future use if necessary.
  • Aftercare. Donors are usually advised to rest for a few hours after the procedure and are then monitored by their doctors. Some women may feel mild discomfort in the lower abdomen, but this usually subsides quickly.

The procedure itself does not take a long time and does not require a woman to be seen by a doctor for a long period of time. A few hours after the material is taken, the donor is released from the clinic.

How much does a donor oocyte cost?

Depending on the country and clinic, the price of donor oocytes can vary. It is also necessary to pay attention to what is included in the donation package. Some medical institutions offer only the donor's genetic material, while others offer a comprehensive donation and IVF service.

On average, the price for various services with donor eggs in Kyiv (Ukraine) starts from 3000 euros.

You can get more detailed information by phone +38 (068) 770-61-77 (Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber).

FAQ more

There are two parties involved in the donation process: the donor and the expectant mother.

For both parties, the process can have negative consequences. 

  • For the donor: risk of reaction to anesthesia, possible painful sensations, emotional and psychological difficulties, ovarian hyperstimulation, and the possibility of accidental conception.
  • For the expectant mother: all risks associated with labor and pregnancy, psychological and emotional difficulties, fetal rejection, possible fetal anomalies, and issues of origin in the child.

These risks are considered acceptable, which is why egg donation is so popular.

After the oocytes have been retrieved from the body of the female donor, only three things can happen to them:

  • The oocytes are tested, approved, fertilized with sperm, and transferred to the body of the expectant mother a short time later.
  • The eggs are tested, approved, and frozen to be used in the future.
  • Eggs are tested but not approved and will be disposed of.

The use of donor oocytes is recommended for women who have faced certain problems:

  • Infertility.
  • Early menopause.
  • Frequent miscarriages.
  • Poor quality of their own eggs.
  • Failed IVF attempts.

Each situation is individual and before making a decision, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In Ukraine, an oocyte donor receives from 900 to 1200 euros per procedure. 

To become an oocyte donor, contact us +38 (068) 770-61-77 (Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber).


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