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Olkhovskaya Victoria Olegovna
Olkhovskaya Victoria Olegovna, Kharkiv
A pediatric ophthalmologist. Highest-category ophthalmologist
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

A pediatric ophthalmologist. Highest-category ophthalmologist

Seniority: 27 years

  • Consultation before laser vision correction
    10 €
  • Complete ophthalmologic examination
    23 €
  • Opti-Q LASEK surgery for myopia and hyperopia (one eye)
    345 €
  • Non-contact laser correction using TransPRK (StreamLight) method for myopia and hyperopia (one eye)
    415 €
  • IOL or ICL implantation (one eye, excluding cost of IOL or ICL)
    530 €
Rogov Alexei Alexeyevich
Rogov Alexei Alexeyevich, Kharkiv

Alexey Rogov is an orthodontist at the Center of Digital Orthodontics "MistoDent". He is a volunteer dentist of the TriZub Dental all-Ukrainian project.

  • Indirect restorations made of metal-free ceramics in CAD/CAM technology: veneers, crowns, onlays (Inlay, Overlay)
    260 €
  • Dental implantation All on 6
    600 €
  • Metal-free ceramic crown on zirconia abutment CAD/CAM technology (Nobel Biocare/Straumann system)
    420 €
  • Dental treatment under general anesthesia (1 hour)
    100 €
  • Straumann SLActive implant (wet implant) (made in Switzerland)
    775 €
Natalia Vladimirovna Volchenko
Natalia Vladimirovna Volchenko, Kharkiv
Pediatric dentist, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
Dentistry "Misto Dent"

Natalia Volchenko is a pediatric dentist at MistoDent Junior center with more than 10 years of experience.

She graduated from KNMU in 2009. Graduate and postgraduate at KSMU, specialization in general dentistry and pediatric dentistry.

She is a candidate of medical sciences.

Kolomiets Yuri Vladimirovich
Kolomiets Yuri Vladimirovich, Kharkiv
Chief physician of the Dneprovskiy affiliate, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist.
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko

Specialization: treatment of all types of infertility, women's reproductive ultrasonic diagnostics, treatment of gynecological diseases, operative gynecology.

  • Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Basic"
    1815 €
  • Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Optimal"
    2345 €
  • Pelvic peritoneal colpopoiesis with laparoscopic assistance
    455 €
  • Laparotomy uterine extirpation (increased complexity)
    755 €
  • Vaginoplasty
    455 €
Grizodub Dmitry Vasilyevich
Grizodub Dmitry Vasilyevich, Kharkiv

Dentist - orthodontist of the highest category, Ph.D., assistant professor of the department of orthopedic dentistry and orthodontics for adults of KMAPO.

  • Consultation
    14 €
  • Jaw surgery
    700 €
  • Dental implantation All on 6
    10000 €
  • Dental implants
    800 €
  • MSE apparatus for skeletal expansion
    860 €
Cherotaykina Anna Aleksandrovna
Cherotaykina Anna Aleksandrovna, Kharkiv

Since childhood I dreamed of becoming a doctor, but I didn't know exactly what kind of doctor I wanted to be. Pchelnik Larisa Viktorovna helped me to make my choice. I entered the Faculty of Dentistry at Kharkiv National Medical University, which I graduated from in 2011.

  • Aesthetic tooth restoration with "WAND" anesthesia
    140 €
  • Teeth whitening
    60 €
  • Neodent implant placement
    465 €
  • Straumann BLX implant (ideal choice for one-step implantation during tooth extraction)
    1010 €
  • Veneers placement
    260 €
Perevoznik Marina Vadimovna
Perevoznik Marina Vadimovna, Kharkiv

Every child thinks about what he will be when he grows up, and I am no exception. Young children often choose attractive professions, such as: astronaut, singer, artist, doctor, teacher. Growing up, we understand how important it is to choose a profession that corresponds to your inner world.

  • Consultation with an individual treatment plan
    30 €
  • Neodent implant placement
    465 €
  • NOBEL implant placement
    1125 €
  • Teeth whitening
    50 €
  • Decorations for teeth
    15 €
Kovtun Natalia Mikhailovna
Kovtun Natalia Mikhailovna, Kharkiv
Consultant physician in the diagnostic department
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

Consultant physician in the diagnostic department

10 years

  • IOL or ICL implantation (one eye, excluding cost of IOL or ICL)
    530 €
  • Cataract surgery
    300 €
  • Intravitreal implantation (one session, one eye)
    870 €
  • Transconjunctival blepharoplasty (both eyes)
    780 €
  • Phacoemulsification of cataracts with IOL AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® TFNT30 implantation. Alcon. USA (one eye)
    1420 €
Kovtun Mikhail Ivanovich
Kovtun Mikhail Ivanovich, Kharkiv

One of the leading microsurgeons in Ukraine.

Honored Physician of Ukraine, ophthalmologist of the highest category, M.D.

Experience: 37 years.

  • Complete ophthalmologic examination
    10 €
  • Phacoemulsification of cataract with IOL Acrysof® MA60AC implantation. Alcon. USA
    433 €
  • Phacoemulsification of cataract with IOL Acrysof® MA60MA implantation. Alcon. USA
    483 €
  • Opti-Q LASEK surgery for myopia and hyperopia (one eye)
    350 €
  • Phacoemulsification of cataract with IOL Acrysof® Natural IQ implantation SN60WF, AU00T0. Alcon. USA
    576 €
Khachikyan Arthur Arsenovich
Khachikyan Arthur Arsenovich, Kharkiv
Orthopedic Dentist
Dentistry "Misto Dent"

Arthur Arsenovich Khachikyan is an orthopedic dentist of the MistoDent dental center chain. He is a specialist in 3D-diagnostics and complex rehabilitation.

Roslyakova Natalya Aleksandrovna
Roslyakova Natalya Aleksandrovna, Kharkiv
Physician of the highest category in the specialty "Obstetrics and gynecology", specialist in ultrasonic diagnostics.
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko

Chief physician of the Poltava branch. Member of the Association of Reproductive Medicine of Ukraine. Experience in practice since 1999.

  • Micro TESE
    755 €
  • Fertiloscopy diagnostic
    320 €
  • Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Intense"
    2475 €
  • Donor sperm insemination (class A)
    220 €
  • Pre IVF screening
    350 €
Solyanik Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Solyanik Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Kharkiv
Dental hygienist
Dental Center "DGclinic"
  • Consultation
    13 €
  • Teeth whitening
    50 €
  • Decorations for teeth
    15 €
  • Veneers placement
    300 €
  • Metal bracket system (Titanium ORTHOS, hypoallergenic, ORMCO, USA)
    690 €
Khomchenko Elena Mikhailovna
Khomchenko Elena Mikhailovna, Kharkiv
Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics
Medical Center "Dokart"


  • Karazin Kharkiv National University, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine 1999.
  •  KhMAPE 1999-2001 internship.
  • Clinical residency at the Department of Perinatology and Gynecology. 2001-2003 KhMAPE.


  • KhMAPE 2019, confirmation of the first qualification category.


  •  Member of the Association of Obstetricians-Gynecologists of Ukraine.
  • Primary gynecological consultation
    12 €
  • Medical abortion
    70 €
  • Repeated gynecological consultation
    10 €
  • Treatment of female and male infertility
    300 €
  • Colposcopy
    10 €
Dotsenko Inna Olegovna
Dotsenko Inna Olegovna, Kharkiv
Orthodontist Dentist
Dental Center "Silk"
  • Kharkov Medical State University
  • Work experience as a dentist more than 20 years.
  • Consultation
    15 €
  • Whitening
    60 €
  • Ceramic crown, veneer
    235 €
  • Metal-ceramic crown on implant
    180 €
  • Zirconia crown on implant
    245 €
Shebanov Roman Vyacheslavovich
Shebanov Roman Vyacheslavovich, Kharkiv
Physician in the diagnostic department
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

Physician in the diagnostic department

Seniority: 4 years

  • Corneal collagen crosslinking procedure using riboflavin (crosslinking). UVX (one eye)
    355 €
  • Phacoemulsification of cataract with IOL Acrysof® MA60AC implantation. Alcon. USA
    433 €
  • Opti-Q LASIK laser correction for myopia and hyperopia (one eye)
    453 €
  • Phacoemulsification of cataract with IOL Acrysof® SA60AT implantation. Alcon. USA
    483 €
  • Phacoemulsification of cataract with IOL Acrysof® MA60MA implantation. Alcon. USA
    483 €
Strelets Oksana Igorevna
Strelets Oksana Igorevna, Kharkiv
Chief physician. Ophthalmologist of the highest category
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

Ophthalmologist of the highest category

Seniority: 23 years

  • IOL or ICL implantation (one eye, excluding cost of IOL or ICL)
    530 €
  • Opti-Q LASEK surgery for myopia and hyperopia (one eye)
    345 €
  • IOL reposition (one eye)
    380 €
  • Cataract surgery
    300 €
  • Topoguided OptiLASIK surgery for myopia and hyperopia (one eye)
    600 €
Litvinenko Ksenia Alexandrovna
Litvinenko Ksenia Alexandrovna, Kharkiv
Periodontal Hygienist
Dentistry "Misto Dent"

Ksenia Litvinenko is a specialist in the prevention and treatment of periodontal tissues, with more than 6 years of experience.

Ogurtsov Alexei Sergeyevich
Ogurtsov Alexei Sergeyevich, Kharkiv
Chief Physician of the Center of Digital Orthodontics "MistoDent"
Dentistry "Misto Dent"

Alexey Ogurtsov - Chief Physician of the Center of Digital Orthodontics "MistoDent", President of "League of Orthodontists of Ukraine", PhD in Medicine, Associate Professor, leading specialist in orthodontics in Ukraine, participant and lecturer of international lectures and seminars on orthodontics.

Pogrebnyak Anna Aleksandrovna
Pogrebnyak Anna Aleksandrovna, Kharkiv
Medical Center "Dokart"


  • Karazin Kharkiv National University (Medical Faculty) 2010-2016.
  • Internship on the basis of KMAPO and Kharkiv municipal clinical hospital №14 named by prof. L.L. Girshman 2016-2018.
  • Comprehensive examination and consultation by an ophthalmologist
    12 €
  • Cataract treatment and refractive lens replacement with ARTIS Y PL, Cristalens, France (with high myopia correction)
    517 €
  • Treatment of glaucoma. Sinustrabeculoectomy (one eye)
    197 €
  • Laser correction according to the N.A.S.A. method using TOPOguided technology (6.0 D < Myopia < 10.0 D; Ast > 2.0 D)
    443 €
  • Monofocal lenses with intermediate vision and astigmatism correction. TECNIS Eyhance Toric IOL (DIU100), Johnson & Johnson, USA
    800 €
Khmara Oleg Anatolievich
Khmara Oleg Anatolievich, Kharkiv
Dental Center "Silk"
  • Окончила Харьковский государственный медицинский университет.
  • С 2004 года работает врачом-анестезиологом в Областной детской клинической больнице.
  • С 2008 года работает в Институте общей и неотложной хирургии АМН Украины, на кафедре кардиохирургии и неотложной кардиологии.
  • Работает врачом-анестезиологом в стоматологии «Шелк» как для детей, так и для взрослых с момента ее основания.
  • Dental treatment under general anesthesia (1 hour)
    100 €

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport

This page contains the best doctors in Kharkiv. UAmedTOURS specializes in the selection of good clinics and doctors in various fields of medicine. Here you will find:

  • Dentists.
  • Gynecologists.
  • Ophthalmologists.
  • Embryologists.
  • Reproductive specialists.

Each doctor deals with a wide range of health problems. We selected specialists who have positive feedback from real patients, experience and a desire to help patients. Choose only trusted doctors in Kharkiv.