Doctors See all doctors

Zavalnyuk Natalya Anatolievna
Zavalnyuk Natalya Anatolievna, Kharkiv
Doctor of the department of laser methods of treatment. Ophthalmologist of the highest category
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

Doctor of the department of laser methods of treatment. Ophthalmologist of the highest category

Seniority: 23 years

Ivaskevich Maria Yurievna
Ivaskevich Maria Yurievna, Lviv

We are pleased to introduce you to one of the most promising and dedicated medical talents of our Clinic - Maria Ivaskevich. Her passion for ophthalmology and desire to learn the best this field has to offer, practicing side by side with our leading ophthalmologists make her a truly outstanding doctor.

Experience: 1 year

Pustovalova Polina Sergeyevna
Pustovalova Polina Sergeyevna, Kharkiv
Dentistry "Misto Dent"

Polina Sergeevna Pustovalova is a specialist in pediatric and adult therapy.

Nagornyak Julia Borisovna
Nagornyak Julia Borisovna, Lviv
General Dentist, Endodontist
"Parodent" Dentistry

Yulia Borysovna Nagornyak is the head of the therapeutic department of the Parodent Clinic in Lviv.


Lata Igor Vyacheslavovich
Lata Igor Vyacheslavovich, Kharkiv
Dental Surgeon
Dentistry "Misto Dent"

Lata Igor Vyacheslavovich is a surgeon-implantologist of the "MistoDent" network of dental centers. He graduated from Kharkov National Medical University.

A qualified and competent specialist in the field of surgical dentistry. Experienced in the latest methods of dental implantation.

Member of Association of Implantologists of Ukraine in Kharkov region, as well as Association of dentists, orthopedists and dental technicians of Ukraine.

Daas Yasser
Daas Yasser, Odessa
Orthodontist Dentist
Dental clinic "Klinik im Zentrum"

Orthodontist Dentist

Sazansky Yaroslav Olegovich
Sazansky Yaroslav Olegovich, Kyiv
Implant surgeon
Dental clinic "Dent Art"

Yaroslav Olehovych Sazanskyi — a highly qualified implantologist-surgeon with seven years of experience, specializing in complex dental implantations, bone grafting, and apical surgery. He successfully works with adults and adolescents from the age of 13, helping patients restore the functionality and aesthetics of the orofacial system.

Hale Gedik Doyranlı
Hale Gedik Doyranlı, Istanbul

Dr. Hale Gedik Doyranli is a prosthodontist with over 25 years of experience in dentistry. She specializes in a wide range of dental services and conditions, offering a personalized approach to each patient.

Primary Specializations:

  • Complete and partial dentures.
  • Invisalign technology treatment.
  • Root canal therapy.
  • Treatment of dental pain.
  • Oral care (teeth and gums).
  • Dental anesthesia.
  • Bleeding gums correction.
  • Veneers.
  • Diagnosis and treatment using X-rays.
Beda Andrey
Beda Andrey, Odessa
Implantologist, dentist of the highest category
Dentistry "Your Dentist"

Specialization: surgical dentistry, implantology, aesthetic and functional rehabilitation.

Savchenko Iryna Stanislavivna
Savchenko Iryna Stanislavivna, Kyiv
Reproductologist, obstetrician-gynecologist
Clinic of reproductive medicine "LITA"

Savchenko Iryna Stanislavivna - has extensive experience in the field of obstetric and gynecological endocrinology, infertility treatment, family planning and contraception, treatment of benign pelvic neoplasms, including uterine fibroids, pathology and treatment of the cervix.

Highest qualification category. Over 20 years of experience.

Education: 1999 - Zaporizhzhia State Medical University.

Emirhan Yılmaz
Emirhan Yılmaz, Istanbul

Emirhan Yılmaz – is a dentist with unique specialization and rich experience in the field of dentistry. He is part of the team at Saphire Dent clinic in Istanbul, Turkey.

Grizodub Julia Gennadyevna
Grizodub Julia Gennadyevna, Kharkiv
Dental Center "DGclinic"
Manoilo Tatiana Vladimirovna
Manoilo Tatiana Vladimirovna, Kyiv
Deputy chief physician of "Noviy Zir" Medical Center, ophthalmic surgeon
Ophthalmology Center "Novy Zir"
  • Candidate of Medical Sciences
  • Doctor of the highest category


  • Refractive surgery (laser vision correction)
  • Keratoconus treatment
  • Combined interventions in high ametropia

Work experience - 21 years

Sobko Andriy Yuriyovych
Sobko Andriy Yuriyovych, Lviv
Gynecologic Oncologist, Surgeon
Medical Center «Mother and Child»

Andriy Yuriyovych Sobko — an experienced oncologist and gynecologist working at the "Mother and Child" Medical Center in Lviv. He specializes in the treatment of oncological and gynecological diseases, with over 23 years of practical experience.

Pchelnik Vitaly Vitalievich
Pchelnik Vitaly Vitalievich, Kharkiv
Dental surgeon, implantologist, prosthodontist
Dentistry "Elite Denta"

I have never had the question of choosing a profession. When my parents and everyone around me is a dentist, the choice becomes obvious. So when I was asked where I would apply, I answered boldly - to medical school as a dentist. At that time it seemed to me that the guaranteed employment is the main advantage of a medical dynasty. Now, after working at Elite Denta dentistry for 8 years, taking part in interviews and reading resumes, I understand that the main thing in our profession is honesty and enthusiasm. My parents guided me and gave me the opportunity to learn from the meters of modern dentistry, which, in turn, ignited my interest or even passion for the profession. By attending various courses, from the very first days of training, I understood what I had to strive for. And in our dentistry I saw the implementation of the world's dental work in practice. Working in my second year with the dental laboratory, I was fascinated by the rather boring steps of making dentures. A little later, I enthusiastically discussed with my instructor the nuances of fabricating metal-free restorations, which were rare at the time. Thanks to the fact that my mentors were the people closest to me, I early began to put the knowledge I had gained into practice.

Gulsum Gencoglan
Gulsum Gencoglan, Istanbul
Dermatologist, trichologist
"Medhair" clinic

An experienced and competent doctor in hair transplantation of any complexity. 

  • Hair Transplantation
  • Skin aging and cosmetic dermatology
  • Dermatological surgery, nail diseases and surgery
  • Dermatological allergy, inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis
  • Skin Cansers
Stolyar Alyona Borisovna
Stolyar Alyona Borisovna, Kharkiv

I was born in a family of entrepreneurs, where I encountered medicine only as a patient. Since childhood I was attracted to beauty and everything associated with it, so little Alena Stolyar wanted to be a fashion designer, artist, designer, in a word, someone who creates beauty.

When at school we began studying biology, I realized that it was my favorite subject. Human anatomy became my particular passion. When my girlfriends bought fancy magazines, I bought an encyclopedia of anatomy, although I also bought fancy magazines, because my love for beauty has not gone anywhere.

Prozhoga Sergey Anatolievich
Prozhoga Sergey Anatolievich, Kyiv
Head doctor of the Excimer Eye Center in Kiev, ophthalmic surgeon, ophthalmologist of the highest category
Ophthalmology Center "Excimer"

Head doctor of the Excimer Eye Center in Kiev, ophthalmic surgeon, ophthalmologist of the highest category

Pivovarova Tatiana Pavlivna
Pivovarova Tatiana Pavlivna, Lviv
Physician obstetrician-gynecologist, gynecologist-aesthetician.
Human Reproduction Clinic "Alternatyva"

Obstetrician-gynecologist, gynecologist-aesthetician.

She is an ultrasound specialist.

She graduated from Danylo Halytskyi Lviv State Medical University with a degree in medical care.

Mityuk Lesya Anatolievna
Mityuk Lesya Anatolievna, Kharkiv
Doctor of the diagnostic department. Ophthalmologist of the highest category
International Medical Center "Ophthalmica"

Doctor of the diagnostic department. Ophthalmologist of the highest category

Seniority: 24 years

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport


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Embarking on a hair transplantation journey in Turkey can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. As a top destination for affordable and high-quality hair transpl...
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Hair transplantation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures. According to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), about 1...