Clinic “IVMED”
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Free Wi-Fi
Kyiv. Aviakonstruktor Antonov str. 2-B LCD SHERWOOD
Mon-Sat: 08:00 - 18:00. Sunday: day off
IVMED is your trusted partner on the road to parenthood! IVMED is a clinic of reproductive medicine, where advanced technologies and individual approaches come together to achieve your dream of having a child. Our team of highly qualified specialists has helped more than 10,000 couples from around the world become happy parents over the past 20 years.
  • Relevante services See all
  • Surrogacy with own oocytes (2 ET)
    46350 €
  • Surrogacy with Egg donation (2 ET)
    47350 €
  • Become a surrogate
    25500 €
  • Surrogacy program with frozen embryos 2et
    44350 €
  • Surrogacy Program “Guarantee” (with egg donation) and unlimited number of attempts until the birth of alive child
    57350 €
Reproductology Clinic "ARTKLINIK"
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Free Wi-Fi
Lviv, Gaidamatska str. 2B
ARTCLINIC is a medical center that provides a full range of services in the field of assisted reproductive technologies. Here, advanced methods are combined with the extensive experience of qualified doctors and embryologists. The facility is located in Lviv and actively serves both Ukrainian and international patients. The center offers all classic ART methods, including donation programs and surrogacy, as well as innovative approaches such...
  • Relevante services See all
  • Surrogacy with already created embryos (1 ET)
    46000 €
  • Surrogacy with already created embryos (2 ET)
    49000 €
  • Surrogacy with own oocytes (2 ET)
    55000 €
  • Surrogacy with Egg donation (2 ET)
    59000 €
  • Guaranteed Surrogacy with Egg donation
    66000 €
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko Lviv
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str. Shevchenko, 21, Lviv. Ukraine
In April 2022, the Academician V. Gryshchenko Clinic opened a branch in the city of Lviv, Ukraine. The opening of such a comprehensive reproductive medical center opens up many opportunities for Lviv residents and guests of the city. Gryshchenko Clinic is considered one of the strongest and most advanced medical institutions in Ukraine, which deals with the problems of conception and infertility. The history of the clinic began in the 80s o...
  • Relevante services See all
  • Become a surrogate
    22000 €
  • Surrogacy service
    46000 €
  • First reproductologist consultation
    12 €
  • Primary gynecological consultation
    12 €
  • Egg (oocyte) donation
    969 €
Clinic of reproductive medicine "LITA"
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м. Kyiv, 28 Dniprovska embankment street
Mon-Fri: 8:00-17:00, Sat: 9:00-14:00, Sun: Closed
The desire to have a child is one of the most sacred for any family, especially for women. The happiness that a baby brings to its parents, its first steps and smile, words and achievements fill our lives with meaning. Unfortunately, today's world statistics show that most couples of mature age have difficulties with having a baby and cannot get pregnant during the first year of attempts. The age at which a couple may have fertility pro...
  • Relevante services See all
  • Surrogacy with already created embryos (1 ET)
    40000 €
  • Surrogacy with own oocytes (2 ET)
    42800 €
  • Become a surrogate
    25500 €
  • Surrogacy with Egg donation (2 ET)
    45700 €
  • Guaranteed Surrogacy with Egg donation
    58200 €
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko
Hotels nearby
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Free Wi-Fi
Blagovischenska Steet, 25, Kharkiv, Kharkivs'ka oblast, 61000
Mon-Fri: 8:00-17:00, Sat: 10:00-13:00, Sun: closed
When we create a family, we plan to become not just spouses, but also a mom and a dad. Unfortunately, the miracle of having children does not always happen. Statistically, one in ten couples in the world faces the problem of infertility. Does this mean that they will never become parents? Fortunately not. Infertility, both male and female, can be cured. The clinic for Reproductive Medicine named after academician V.I. Gryshch...
  • Relevante services See all
  • Surrogacy service
    43000 €
  • Become a surrogate
    23000 €
  • Become an oocyte (egg) donor
    1000 €
  • Infertility treatment program by IVF method "Intense"
    2183 €
  • Consultation with an individual treatment plan
    25 €

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport

Surrogacy in Ukraine

Surrogacy prices vary depending on the country in which the procedure is performed:

  • In Ukraine, surrogacy prices range from €40,000 to €58,000, which includes high quality medical services and allows surrogacy for foreigners.
  • In the Czech Republic, the price ranges from €65,000 to €85,000, with a full adoption procedure required, but the country provides high quality medical services
  • In Greece, the price ranges from €75,000 to €85,000, with a simplified adoption procedure and court decision required. Medical services are of high quality.
  • In Canada, the cost ranges from €100,000 to €110,000 with highly developed medical care, authorized surrogacy, and a birth certificate.
  • In the U.S., costs range from €110,000 to €180,000, with highly developed medical care, surrogacy allowed, and a birth certificate provided.

Ukraine surrogacy cost

Program Cost
Surrogacy with frozen embryo from $44000
Surrogate with OWN OOCYTES from $47800
Surrogate with donor egg cells from $51000

Surrogacy in Ukraine: programs

There are three types of surrogacy programs in Ukraine:

  1. Surrogacy with the creation of embryos using the couple's own oocytes (eggs) and sperm. This program is suitable for married couples where both partners can produce eggs and sperm of the required quality, but the woman is medically unable to become pregnant, carry, and give birth to a child.

  2. Surrogacy using donor eggs or sperm. This program caters to couples facing reproductive system diseases leading to infertility of any partner. For instance, if a woman's body cannot produce viable eggs, donor eggs may be used. Under current Ukrainian law, a child born through surrogacy must have a genetic connection to at least one parent.

  3. Surrogacy with pre-existing and frozen embryos (FET). This option is for couples who have already created embryos of good quality but where the woman, due to medical reasons, cannot become pregnant, carry, and give birth to a child.

Surrogacy program with a visit to Ukraine once.

At the request of the parents, the company can:

  • Provide examination of patients, tests and collection of reproductive cells (sperm, oocytes) in a partner clinic in Europe
  • Organize a specialized transfer of eggs, sperm and embryos to Ukraine
  • Remote consultations with doctors
  • Remote selection of a candidate for a surrogate mother, also you can find an egg donor for surrogacy in Ukraine
  • Remote paperwork
  • Remote monitoring of the surrogate mother's pregnancy (gynecological examinations, prenatal ultrasound, etc.)

Parents come to Ukraine only to pick up their child and receive a birth certificate

Each program includes a comprehensive "ALL Inclusive" set of services, encompassing payment for the surrogate mother, full legal support, all necessary medical examinations, infertility treatments and medications when needed, egg/sperm donation services if required, and consultations with embryologists, reproductive specialists, geneticists, and gynecologists. A personal medical coordinator is available 24/7 for support.

What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a modern reproductive technology in which gametes of genetic parents or donors are fertilized and inserted into the uterus, specially prepared woman, for this purpose using in vitro fertilization. The gestational nanny carries the fetus, gives birth to a healthy child and passes it on to the biological parents. In this way, the couple receives a fully their own, genetic baby.

Statistics show that every year more and more couples ask for help in having a baby. Surrogacy is one of the most successful solutions to the worldwide problem of women not being able to carry and give birth on their own.

Infertility in the World and the Legislation of Countries for Surrogacy

As defined by the World Health Organization, an infertile couple is one in which, for one year of regular sexual intercourse, without the use of any contraception, no pregnancy occurs or it is permanently interrupted.

The male form of infertility can be associated with endocrine gland diseases, injuries, and inflammatory processes in the testicles.

A woman can lose the ability to conceive through diseases of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterine malformations, or hormonal abnormalities. There may also be diseases that contraindicate pregnancy and childbirth, such as heart or other failure, cancer, and others.

According to WHO, about 48.5 million couples in the world are considered infertile, and another 19.2 million have difficulty conceiving and giving birth to their firstborn.

With the advent of this reproductive technology, people are divided into two camps. Some believe that it is selling babies and immoral to use a woman as an incubator. Still, many believe that it is the last chance for an infertile couple to have a native baby who will be genetically identical to the parents.

In most Muslim countries, such as Oman, the UAE, Iran, and Pakistan, the use of surrogates is prohibited by law, up to and including criminal liability.

Among European countries, the Czech Republic and Greece stand out, where it is possible to use the surrogate mother services, but there are some difficulties. In Greece, a court permission is required to become real parents, otherwise the child remains with the surrogate. In the Czech Republic, it will be necessary to go through a waiver from the gestational mother, and then the couple needs to go through a simplified adoption procedure.

In turn, Ukraine, Russia, Canada and some states of the USA have advantages for surrogacy. Each country has its own conditions of the program, pluses and minuses. In the USA there is a high level of medicine, but there is one nuance: it is very expensive and many people cannot afford it. 

Surrogacy in Europe is legal in the following countries:

Country Access to surrogacy Price, euro Commercial or altruistic basis 


Ukraine Allowed by law 40000 - 58000 commercial and altruistic Get a free quote
Belgium Allowed 67000 - 90000 altruistic Get a free quote
Greece Allowed 75000 - 85000 altruistic Get a free quote
Czech Republic Allowed 65000 - 85000 commercial and altruistic Get a free quote
Albania Allowed 61000 - 85000 commercial and altruistic Get a free quote
Georgia Allowed by law 50000 - 65000 commercial and altruistic Get a free quote

Doctors See all doctors

Vladykina  Nataliia Volodymyrivna
Vladykina Nataliia Volodymyrivna, Kyiv
Reproductologist, geneticist
Clinic of reproductive medicine "LITA"

The highest qualification category. Over 22 years of experience

Education: 1998 - Bogomolets National Medical University, School of Medicine.

Karimova Gulnara Rustamzhonovna
Karimova Gulnara Rustamzhonovna, Lviv
Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor
Reproductology Clinic "ARTKLINIK"


  • Медицинское образование, окончила Львовский национальный медицинский университет имени Данила Галицкого.
Strelko Galina Vladimirovna
Strelko Galina Vladimirovna, Kyiv
Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences, reproductologist
Clinic “IVMED”

Galina Vladimirovna Strelko — a leading specialist in the field of reproductive medicine with over 25 years of professional experience. She holds the position of Chief Physician and Medical Director at the "IVMED" clinic in Kyiv. As a Doctor of Medical Sciences and a Professor, she successfully combines clinical practice with scientific research, specializing in the treatment of infertility, particularly in women over 35 with diminished ovarian reserve.

Pranova Olga Vladimirovna
Pranova Olga Vladimirovna, Kyiv
Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist
Clinic “IVMED”

Dr. Olga Vladimirovna Pranova is a recognized expert in obstetrics and gynecology with over 26 years of experience. Her specialization involves assisting couples in overcoming the most challenging issues related to infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss. Through her professionalism and attentive approach, she helps patients achieve the dream of parenthood, providing support throughout all stages of treatment.

Savchenko Iryna Stanislavivna
Savchenko Iryna Stanislavivna, Kyiv
Reproductologist, obstetrician-gynecologist
Clinic of reproductive medicine "LITA"

Savchenko Iryna Stanislavivna - has extensive experience in the field of obstetric and gynecological endocrinology, infertility treatment, family planning and contraception, treatment of benign pelvic neoplasms, including uterine fibroids, pathology and treatment of the cervix.

Highest qualification category. Over 20 years of experience.

Education: 1999 - Zaporizhzhia State Medical University.

The surrogacy program includes:

  • examination of a surrogate mother;
  • carrying out an IVF program;
  • medicines for a surrogate mother;
  • monitoring and maintaining pregnancy.

The price of surrogate motherhood seems insignificant in comparison with the ability to have your own child and feel the joy of motherhood. The issues of cost and principles of payment of remuneration to the surrogate mother, as well as help during pregnancy, the prospective parents discuss with the surrogate mother individually.

To conclude an agreement on the Surrogacy program in Ukraine, the following documents are required:

For customers:

The originals of passports and identification codes of spouses, marriage certificate;

a notarized copy of the written joint agreement between the surrogate mother, wife (husband) or spouses.

For a surrogate mother:

  • original passport and identification code;
  • original certificate of marriage or divorce (except for single women);
  • the original birth certificate of the child(ren);
  • the application of the husband of the surrogate mother to her participation in the surrogacy program, which he signs at the medical center before the surrogacy program.

Why Ukraine is the best country for surrogacy

Ukraine has a reliable legal background for conducting a surrogacy program, which has been legalized since 2007, making this country a European center for medical tourism. Legislation protects the rights of surrogate mothers, so they do not have to worry about their health and fulfillment of all terms of the contract, and parents do not have to worry about the health and parental rights to the child. Also, a big plus is that in Ukraine it is allowed to commercialize the surrogate mother, because she spends her time on it, goes through many different procedures, and pregnancy and childbirth is quite a hard process. In turn, it is difficult for parents to find a woman they know who would agree to help give birth for free and it is easier for them to pay a gestational nanny.

The program can be used both by Ukrainians and people from other countries, Uamedtours can help with this. We take care of all legal processes, IVF procedure, pregnancy control, organization of delivery and in the end we help to register the child.

Advantages of conducting the procedure in Ukraine:

  1. High level of medical services, which guarantees safety for the surrogate and the fetus;
  2. It is much cheaper to have tests, procedures, pregnancy support and childbirth.
  3. Low cost of living and maintenance of a surrogate mother.
  4. No child relinquishment or adoption procedure is required;
  5. Without additional approvals from courts or other authorities;
  6. The law protects all parties to the contract, including the unborn child;
  7. Healthy and clean surrogate mothers who are able to carry and deliver a baby without problems.

If you want to have a baby and not to worry about his health, the course of pregnancy, for the safety of your money and the result of the contract - then we are waiting for your call to Uamedtours.

How many surrogates are in the Ukraine?

Every year more than 2,000 children are born in Ukraine through surrogacy, most of whom are foreign couples. There are about 50 reproductive clinics and many agencies and intermediaries that match couples, known as "intended parents," with surrogate mothers. Ukraine is a popular choice because of the way its surrogacy laws are written. In many European countries, including Great Britain, when a surrogate gives birth, she is listed as the mother on the birth certificate. If she is married, her husband will be listed as the father. In Ukraine, the intended parents are listed as mother and father. This means that getting the child a passport and bringing him home is much easier. Largest agency in Ukraine currently has 500 surrogates at various stages of pregnancy.

Surrogacy for gay couples and single people

Surrogacy for single people and LGBT couples is prohibited by law in Ukraine. 

However, Uamedtours respects the right of every person to parenthood and has created special surrogacy programs for gay couples and single men and women. 

Such programs are held in countries where the cooperation of gay couples or single people with a surrogate mother is not prohibited by law. 

One of these countries is Mexico. We offer surrogacy in Mexico.

Choose from available surrogacy programs for gay partners and singles!

Get program details


Surrogacy is usually an option for a potential mother who has had her uterus removed but still has ovaries. She can give eggs to conceive, but she does not have a uterus to carry a baby.

Using her own eggs and in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology, she can find a surrogate mother to carry the pregnancy (her own genetic child).

However, if the intended mother does not have good quality eggs, the couple can use an egg donor in Ukraine.

A surrogate is also used in cases where the potential mother has a medical condition that could cause serious health risks to the mother or child. It is also used for couples with repeated failed IVF attempts (4 or more).


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Surrogacy in Europe is legal in the following countries: Country Price, from (EUR) Get a free quote Participation of foreigners in...
Information for couples If you are a couple and want to find a surrogate, we recommend you to contact a qualified clinic in Ukraine.  This will gua...
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