Reproductology Clinic "ARTKLINIK"
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Lviv, Gaidamatska str. 2B
ARTCLINIC is a medical center that provides a full range of services in the field of assisted reproductive technologies. Here, advanced methods are combined with the extensive experience of qualified doctors and embryologists. The facility is located in Lviv and actively serves both Ukrainian and international patients. The center offers all classic ART methods, including donation programs and surrogacy, as well as innovative approaches such...
  • Relevante services See all
  • Surrogacy with already created embryos (1 ET)
    46000 €
  • Surrogacy with already created embryos (2 ET)
    49000 €
  • Surrogacy with own oocytes (2 ET)
    55000 €
  • Surrogacy with Egg donation (2 ET)
    59000 €
  • Guaranteed Surrogacy with Egg donation
    66000 €
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko Lviv
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str. Shevchenko, 21, Lviv. Ukraine
In April 2022, the Academician V. Gryshchenko Clinic opened a branch in the city of Lviv, Ukraine. The opening of such a comprehensive reproductive medical center opens up many opportunities for Lviv residents and guests of the city. Gryshchenko Clinic is considered one of the strongest and most advanced medical institutions in Ukraine, which deals with the problems of conception and infertility. The history of the clinic began in the 80s o...
  • Relevante services See all
  • Become a surrogate
    22000 €
  • Surrogacy service
    46000 €
  • First reproductologist consultation
    12 €
  • Primary gynecological consultation
    12 €
  • Egg (oocyte) donation
    969 €

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport


What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a method of reproduction in which a woman, known as a surrogate mother, agrees to carry and bear a child for a couple who cannot conceive naturally. It's a ray of hope for countless parents-to-be, offering them a chance to experience the joys of parenthood.

Why choose Lviv for surrogacy?

Lviv, a city in Ukraine, has rapidly become a popular destination for surrogacy due to several key factors:

  • High-Quality Medical Facilities

Lviv boasts some of the finest medical facilities in Eastern Europe. The city's clinics and hospitals are equipped with cutting-edge technologies and staffed by experienced professionals who specialize in reproductive medicine.

  • Legal Framework

Ukraine has favorable laws for surrogacy, providing a secure and legally protected environment for intended parents. The rights of all parties involved are clearly outlined and protected, ensuring a smooth process from start to finish.

  • Affordable Prices

Compared to other countries, Lviv offers surrogacy services at a very affordable price. This reasonable cost combined with the high quality of service makes this city an attractive option for couples from abroad who are considering surrogacy.

Doctors See all doctors

Misiura Yaroslava Ostapivna
Misiura Yaroslava Ostapivna, Lviv

Yaroslava Misyura is a leading specialist in the field of embryology. During her many years of experience, she has brought many couples to the happy path of motherhood and fatherhood thanks to her deep understanding of embryos and the processes that relate to them.

With her help, many families facing infertility problems were able to realize their dream of having their own child. Yaroslava Misiura is constantly studying, attending international conferences and seminars, which allows her to implement the latest techniques and approaches in her practice.

Aydyn Birol
Aydyn Birol, Lviv
Leading Embryologist
Reproductology Clinic "ARTKLINIK"

He is the leading embryologist of the clinic.

Biologist, clinical embryologist, certified member of ESHRE.

Kozyra Oleksandra Serhiivna
Kozyra Oleksandra Serhiivna, Lviv
Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics specialist
Human Reproduction Clinic "Alternatyva"

Dr. Kozyra Oleksandra Serhiivna is a gynecologist and in vitro fertilization (IVF) specialist. She provides consultations on the treatment of female and male infertility, and artificial insemination. She is proficient in assisted reproductive technologies. She also treats diseases of the female reproductive sphere, menstrual, and climacteric disorders.

Zhemela Nataliia Ihorivna
Zhemela Nataliia Ihorivna, Lviv
Head of the ART department, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics, obstetrician-gynecologist
Reproductology Clinic "ARTKLINIK"

Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist, specializes in the prevention and treatment of infertility. She performs ultrasound diagnostics of miscarriage and other gynecological pathologies.

  • In 2010, she defended her master's thesis on "Hormonal and metabolic features of pregnancy following the use of assisted reproductive technologies".
  • Currently, she is a postgraduate student at the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University.
Karimova Gulnara Rustamzhonovna
Karimova Gulnara Rustamzhonovna, Lviv
Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor
Reproductology Clinic "ARTKLINIK"


  • Медицинское образование, окончила Львовский национальный медицинский университет имени Данила Галицкого.

Process of Surrogacy in Lviv

  • Initial Consultation

The journey to surrogacy in Lviv begins with an initial consultation, where potential parents meet with fertility experts to discuss their needs and expectations.

  • Selection of Surrogate

Once the consultation is complete, the process of finding a suitable surrogate begins. Potential surrogates are thoroughly screened for their physical and psychological health to ensure the best outcome.

  • Medical Procedures

After the surrogate is selected, the medical procedures commence. This usually involves a course of preparation of the surrogate's uterus being prepared for embryo transfer and in vitro fertilization (IVF) itself.

  • Legalities and Birth

Once the surrogate is pregnant, legal agreements are prepared to protect the rights of the intended parents. After the child is born, a birth certificate is issued with the names of the couple as the child's parents.

Stages of surrogacy in Lviv

Cost Breakdown of Surrogacy in Lviv

  • Medical Costs

These include expenses for all necessary medical procedures, such as IVF, prenatal care, and the cost of delivery.

The cost of a single IVF course in Lviv, starts at 1,600 euros.

Depending on various factors, including the age and health of the couple and the surrogate, several IVF cycles may be necessary.

  • Surrogate Expenses

This includes compensation for the surrogate, along with her living and medical expenses throughout the pregnancy.

The cost of surrogacy in Lviv starts at 30,000 euros.

  • Legal and Administrative Costs

These encompass legal fees, agency fees, and other administrative costs associated with the surrogacy process.

This expense item is very individual but on average costs at least 1,000 euros.

Risks and Considerations

While Lviv offers numerous advantages for surrogacy, it's also essential to be aware of potential risks and considerations.

  • Medical Risks

As with any medical procedure, surrogacy involves certain medical risks. These may include complications related to fertility treatments, pregnancy, and childbirth. However, these are generally low and can be managed effectively with professional medical care.

  • Legal Risks

Despite the favorable legal environment, there can be potential legal challenges. It's crucial to have a thorough understanding of the laws and to have all agreements clearly outlined and legally binding.

  • Financial Risks

Although surrogacy in Lviv is comparatively affordable, the costs can still be significant. It's important to have a clear financial plan in place before embarking on this journey.

Surrogacy in Lviv is an effective and affordable solution for foreign couples who want to have a child. Despite the possible risks, they are by no means comparable to the benefits you will receive after the birth of your own, healthy child.

Since the surrogacy process has serious not only medical but also legal aspects, you should pay special attention to the clinic with which you will cooperate.

Based on our experience, we can give you some advice on how to choose a surrogacy clinic in Lviv:

  • Study in detail the services, costs, and reviews of different clinics. Use not only the website of the medical facility itself but also third-party resources.
  • Before starting the process and traveling to Lviv, contact the clinic and discuss with them all the nuances, learn about the success rate of IVF, the methods they use, and their experience in this field.
  • Get yourself acquainted with the legal and medical basis of this process in Ukraine.
  • Find out what kind of legal support the clinic provides.
  • Find out what criteria surrogate mothers are chosen by and how their compliance with the contract is monitored.
  • Consult with your lawyer about the legalization of the child's status in your country of residence.

Also, you can ask "UAmedTOURS" specialists for help in choosing a clinic and getting true information about this or that medical center.

"UAmedTOURS" - more than five years of assistance to foreign couples in obtaining qualified medical services in Lviv, Ukraine.

Happy couple with a baby after IVF in Lviv Ukraine

FAQ more

In Lviv, as in the rest of Ukraine, surrogacy is legal and regulated by the Family Code of Ukraine. The intended parents must be a heterosexual married couple, and at least one parent must have a genetic link to the child. The surrogate must be physically and mentally healthy, between the ages of 18 and 35, and already have at least one healthy child of her own.

The cost of surrogacy in Lviv can vary significantly depending on the specific circumstances and needs of the intended parents. On average, the cost ranges from 30,000 to 60,000 euros. This includes agency fees, surrogate compensation, medical procedures, legal fees, and administrative costs. It's important to note that additional unexpected costs may also arise during the process.

The surrogacy process can typically take anywhere from 12 to 18 months in Lviv. This includes time for initial consultation, surrogate matching, medical procedures, pregnancy, and legal procedures. However, the timeline can vary depending on individual circumstances.

The surrogate's compensation in Lviv typically includes a base fee for carrying the baby, along with coverage for all medical expenses related to the pregnancy. This includes prenatal care, delivery costs, and any necessary medical care after the birth. The surrogate may also receive additional compensation for maternity clothes, travel expenses for medical appointments, and any other pregnancy-related costs.

To ensure the health and safety of both the surrogate and the baby, rigorous health screenings are conducted before the surrogacy process begins. Throughout the pregnancy, the surrogate receives regular medical check-ups to monitor the health of the baby and the surrogate. In addition, legal agreements are put in place to protect the rights and interests of all parties involved, including the health and wellbeing of the surrogate and the baby.


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