Ophthalmology Clinic "Pavliv"
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Lviv, st. Yuriy Rufa, 45a
Welcome to Pavliv Vision Clinic - your visit to clear vision! Pavliv Vision Clinic is a blend of what your family stands for in a healthy lifestyle. Our clinic offers a wide range of services for laser diseases and other ophthalmic procedures. We return to our own standards of living, standards with an individualized approach to each patient to ensure the need for higher treatment. Laser treatment is an innovative method that today opens up...
  • Relevante services See all
  • Laser retinal coagulation (focal)
    65 €
  • Panretinal laser retinal coagulation 1 stage
    39 €
  • Prophylactic peripheral laser retinal coagulation - one eye
    78 €
  • Preventive peripheral laser retinal coagulation - two eyes
    142 €
  • Laser trabeculoplasty - one eye
    78 €

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport

Doctors See all doctors

Pavliv Oleksandra Borysivna
Pavliv Oleksandra Borysivna, Lviv
Ophthalmologist of the highest category, ophthalmic surgeon, chief ophthalmologist of Lviv region.
Ophthalmology Clinic "Pavliv"

The founder and heart of our clinic! 

Oleksandra Borysivna is the chief ophthalmologist of Lviv region, head of the ophthalmology department of Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital, ophthalmologist of the highest category, PhD, ophthalmic surgeon, specializing in cataract (cloudy lens) surgery, glaucoma, laser surgery, and dry eye treatment.

Professional experience: 33 years.

Pavliv Sofia Andriivna
Pavliv Sofia Andriivna, Lviv
Leading ophthalmologist, ophthalmic surgeon
Ophthalmology Clinic "Pavliv"

Sofiia Pavliv is an integral part of the new generation of ophthalmologists who combine the best knowledge and practices of the medical world. She studied abroad, where she mastered the most modern methods and technologies of ophthalmology and has in-depth medical knowledge of Ukraine, Europe, and other leading countries.

Professional experience: 5 years

Mashkarynets Oksana Vasylivna
Mashkarynets Oksana Vasylivna, Lviv

Meet your doctor, Oksana Vasylivna, who has incredible attention to detail, and is persistent, attentive, purposeful, and outspoken. She can often be found reading professional literature or watching scientific TED talks on her smartphone. She is passionate about medicine.

Kolos Diana Ihorivna
Kolos Diana Ihorivna, Lviv

Diana Ihorivna Kolos is an ophthalmologist you can rely on, she always sets clear priorities and has a maximum focus on the patient and their needs. She strives to achieve the most effective treatment, to ensure the best results!

Experience: 2 years

Ivaskevich Maria Yurievna
Ivaskevich Maria Yurievna, Lviv

We are pleased to introduce you to one of the most promising and dedicated medical talents of our Clinic - Maria Ivaskevich. Her passion for ophthalmology and desire to learn the best this field has to offer, practicing side by side with our leading ophthalmologists make her a truly outstanding doctor.

Experience: 1 year