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Nagornyak Julia Borisovna
Nagornyak Julia Borisovna, Lviv
General Dentist, Endodontist
"Parodent" Dentistry

Yulia Borysovna Nagornyak is the head of the therapeutic department of the Parodent Clinic in Lviv.


Shulyuk Andrey Mykhailovych
Shulyuk Andrey Mykhailovych, Lviv
Surgeon, Orthopedist, Gnathologist, Implantologist
"Parodent" Dentistry

Yulia Borysivna Nagornyak is the head of the therapeutic department of the "Parodent" clinic in Lviv.


Sprinskij Ruslan Igorevich
Sprinskij Ruslan Igorevich, Lviv
"My Dentistry" clinic

Specialization: root canal treatment
An endodontist specializes in the treatment of root canals, which allows you to save a tooth even in difficult cases.

In their work, endodontists use a microscope and special dental instruments that make it possible to find and treat the most difficult root canals (narrow, branched, curved, etc.).

Due to their special knowledge and experience, the skills of an endodontist are far superior to those of a general dentist.

Kurylyak Roman
Kurylyak Roman, Lviv
Surgeon / Implantologist
"My Dentistry" clinic

Specialization: Surgeon/implantologist

2020 - D. Galitsky LNMU

Demyanenko Tatiana Mykolaivna
Demyanenko Tatiana Mykolaivna, Lviv
Periodontist, periodontal surgeon
"Perio Center" – center of periodontology
  • Specialty: periodontist, periodontal surgeon, periodontal surgeon
  • Treatment of diseases: gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, mucositis.
  • Admission: adults
  • Participation in associations: Ukrainian Academy of Periodontology (UAP).
Boyko Nikolay Andreevich
Boyko Nikolay Andreevich, Lviv
  • Specialization: periodontal surgeon
  • Treatment of diseases: peri-implantitis, gingival recession, adentia
  • Treats: adults and children from 6 years old
Lys Maria Olehivna
Lys Maria Olehivna, Lviv

Life Motto: Everything in life is possible!

Work Experience in the Company: 6 years (total – 9 years of medical practice)

Education: Graduated in 2015 from the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. Specialty: Therapeutic Dentistry.

Main Area of Work: Endodontics using an operating microscope and restorations.

Shlyakhta Marian Mykhailovych
Shlyakhta Marian Mykhailovych, Lviv

Life motto: no desire is given to a person separately from the strength that allows it to be fulfilled.

Work experience in the company: 5 years


  • 2009–2014 – studied at the Lviv National Medical University named after D. Halytsky.
  • 2014–2016 – internship.
  • 2016–2017 – specialization. Specialty: orthodontics.
  • 2023 – specialization in "Organization and Management of Health Care."

Main areas of work: digital orthodontics – 3D planning of orthodontic treatment: analysis of control-diagnostic models, photodiagnostics, cephalometric analysis of TGR. Proficient in modern methods of treating orthodontic pathologies in the field of pediatric and adult orthodontics.

Sniak  Alina Ihorivna
Sniak Alina Ihorivna, Lviv

Life motto: Cleanliness and order around inevitably lead to cleanliness and order in one's own mind.

Work experience in the company: 7 years

Education: On July 1, 2016, graduated from Lviv Institute of Nursing and Laboratory Medicine named after Andrey Krupinsky. Specialty: dental hygienist.

Main areas of work: professional oral hygiene and teeth whitening.


  • 2023 - member of the Ukrainian Association of Periodontologists
  • 2022 - awarded the "Best Employee of the Company" in the "Best Employee of the Week" nomination
  • 2021 - received appreciation from the company for initiative, perseverance, high professionalism, and significant personal contribution to the development of the Company's Quality Department

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport