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One of the most rapidly and extensively developing areas in medicine is dentistry.  Statistics on dentistry in Ukraine:

  • 7 out of 10 private clinics in Ukraine are stomatological
  • 90% of services provided by "dentists", provides the private segment of dentistry
  • The highest passing mark to higher educational institutions of Ukraine (all, but not only medical) is the specialty "dentist": 193,494 according to
  • Dentistry, along with ophthalmology and cardiology, is the most popular medical tourism destination in the country. First of all, for citizens of EU countries
  •  Lower cost of treatment and diagnostics than in the patient's country.
  •  More modern medical technology.
  •  Highly qualified medical care and service
  •  Time factor (when waiting for medical services in the client's country for a long time).
  •  Unsatisfied with quality or cost of medical services in own country.
  •  Individual preferences of the patient.

Best clinics in Ukraine

When we create a family, we plan to become not just spouses, but also a mom and a dad. Unfortunately, the miracle of having children does not alw...
"Misto Dent" is a leading dentistry in Kharkov, geographically located in a convenient area of the city. Just a few minutes from the metro station &qu...
"Ophthalmica" is an international center of advanced ophthalmic technologies. It is the only center for people with vision problems in Ukraine, where...
The "Excimer" Eye Clinic in Kiev is a recognized leader in the field of high-technology ophthalmic services in Ukraine. Since 1999, the clinic has...
"Novy Zir" is one of the largest ophthalmologic structures in Ukraine, which has absorbed all the latest achievements of the world medicine. This is 7...
The "Novy Zir" Eye Center in Kharkov began its work in 2010.   Today our ophthalmology center in Kharkov offers you almost all modern types of...
The "Excimer" Eye Center is a state-of-the-art clinic with highly qualified doctors, state-of-the-art equipment, and a desire to help everyone. Thousa...
Granddent Dental Clinic is a comprehensive approach to individual treatment and dental care. A clinic of the highest class, with real professionals, individual...
Dentistry "Your Dental" has been successfully operating since 2017. We have experience working with all categories of the population and foreign touri...
"TrioDent" - professional dentistry! Choosing a dental clinic, patients always focus on the assistance of a dentist. Our main dignity and pride are...
The dental clinic "Klinik im Zentrum" was opened in Odessa in 2015 and from the very beginning has positioned itself as a modern clinic for the whole...
ELITE DENTA Dentistry is not just a set of services for patients of different age groups. It is a comfortable and cozy, almost home atmosphere, full of attentio...
Every customer is always welcome, we hope that your visit to Silk Dental Center will be remembered only in a positive way! We try to meet the needs of our cu...
Modern Dentistry Center of Dr. Dmitry and Julia Grizodub means beautiful smiles, excellent dental health, and therefore the whole body! Modern equipment, the...
"Expert" Hospital is a new highly specialized hospital, which provides comprehensive medical services with the provision of modern and quality medical...
Parodent Dental Clinic Network is one of the most reputable and qualified dental clinics not only in Lviv, but throughout Ukraine. 22 years of experience allows...
The desire to have a child is one of the most sacred for any family, especially for women. The happiness that a baby brings to its parents, its first steps and...
"Medhair" clinic , Istanbul
Medhair Clinic is one of the best hair transplant clinics in Istanbul, and possibly in all of Turkey. It's hard to imagine, but for more than ten years the...
Clinic "Estethica" , Istanbul
The Estethica Clinic was founded as one of the foremost centers for providing medical services to correct aesthetic problems and improve the overall appearance...
"British Estetik health group" is a joint venture between two countries and world experts in beauty and aesthetics. British and Turkish specialists ha...
"Kiymedical" is a modern multidisciplinary medical center, where you will find help from qualified experts. The clinic is located in the capital of...
In April 2022, the Academician V. Gryshchenko Clinic opened a branch in the city of Lviv, Ukraine. The opening of such a comprehensive reproductive medical cent...
"Docart" Medical Center is one of the most popular and qualified clinics in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Since its establishment in 2015, the clinic has establis...
In the heart of Lviv, where historical traditions and modern quality are combined, My Dentistry Clinic offers first-class service in accordance with internation...
«ARTKLINIK» – is not just a medical center, it is a research laboratory of reproductive health, where advanced technologies are combined with...
"HospitalXP" Clinic , Istanbul
HospitalXP is a multidisciplinary center that brings together all medical fields to improve your appearance, health, and well-being. If you are looking...
Welcome to Pavliv Vision Clinic - your visit to clear vision! Pavliv Vision Clinic is a blend of what your family stands for in a healthy lifestyle. Our clin...
"Perio Center" is the only periodontal center in Ukraine! The main focus is on the treatment of periodontal tissue diseases. The dental clinic succ...
Human Reproduction Clinic "Alternatyva" – a leader in providing high quality medical services in Lviv. Our team is one of the few that treats...
Are you dreaming of a perfect smile and healthy teeth? At «Dent Art» we are ready to turn your dream into reality. Located in Kyiv – the heart...
Welcome to "Trident" Dental Clinic, located in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and the center of Ukraine - Kyiv. Our clinic offers high qua...
Medical Center «VeroMed»in Lviv is your reliable partner on the way to health and well-being. Our center is a multifunctional institution where you...
Medical Center «A-Medical.Pro» – is your reliable friend in taking care of your health. Our clinic is located in Kharkiv, one of the largest c...
Welcome to «ViraDenta» dental clinic. We are originally from Istanbul and taking care of your smile — is our main goal. Our team offers a wide...
«Saphire Dent» – is a leading clinic in Istanbul, Turkey that has been providing quality dental services for over 12 years. We are proud of ou...
Welcome to "AcunalDent", one of the best dental centers in Istanbul. We are proud of our reputation for quality dental treatment of varying complexity...
Dental clinic "Uzmanlar" is a place where thanks to modern technologies and experience of our team your dreams of healthy teeth and a radiant smile be...
Dental Restoration Center "Symmetrica" opened its doors more than 10 years ago, and during this time with its hard work has managed to prove its high...

Feedback from our clients

Nie bój się walczyć o swoje szczęście
W moim kraju obowiązują dziwne prawa. Kiedy kobieta nie chce mieć dziecka, nie wolno jej dokonać aborcji. I odwrotnie, gdy kobieta chce dziecka, ale nie może zajść w ciążę, nie wolno jej mieć dziecka! Kocham mój kraj, ale są pewne rzeczy, których nie mogę zrozumieć. Musiałam pojechać na Ukrainę, aby zostać matką. Moje dziecko urodziła surogatka. Nie ukrywałam tego przed nikim i mówiłam zawsze otwarcie!! Dziś ten temat to żadne TABU - tak wiele par ma problemy z zajściem w ciąże. Pozdrawiam WAS dziewczyny
Ewa Rydzewska (Gdańsk)
Lekarz jasno wyjaśnił mi sytuację
Chcę wyrazić moją szczerą wdzięczność lekarzowi za jego kompetencje, profesjonalizm i życzliwość. Lekarz jasno wyjaśnił mi sytuację, operacja (laser) zakończyła się sukcesem, a powrót do zdrowia jest szybki. Komunikacja jest komfortowa, co jest dla mnie bardzo ważne. Dziękuję pozostałym pracownikom kliniki za zrozumienie i troskę o pacjentów. Każdy wyraźnie wypełnia swoje obowiązki, jest przyjazny i energiczny. Wrażenie z całej kliniki jest jak najlepsze (organizacja, wygoda, czystość i porządek).
Ophthalmology Center "Excimer"
Villads Olesen (Randers, Dania)
Hair transplantation - my mistakes
Not that I regret the transplant, because there was actually more hair on my head, but I'm not sure I'd want to repeat the experience. It was a dream come true that I didn't prepare for. My girlfriend organized a medical tour, paid for everything, and nothing depended on me. So I was not ready for the specifics of the surgery, the subsequent discomfort, and the questions at work. I really regretted that I didn't prepare for the transplantation properly, read the information, and talked to people who had already been through it. My impressions are very mixed. I advise you to think seriously before you decide to take this step: You have to be prepared for things to look very ugly for a while, you have to wait a few months. Be prepared for discomfort immediately after surgery. It is also very important to consult beforehand and get all the necessary tests.
Javier (Terrassa, Spain)
The doctor is a real professional and a wonderful person
The doctor is a real professional and a wonderful person! I want to sincerely express my gratitude for his golden hands, maximum sensitivity and attentiveness to the smallest detail! I am terribly afraid of dentists. Every trip to the doctor, before this visit, was accompanied by fear and panic. I came to him when there was terrible pain and there was nowhere to delay this visit .. I was delighted that a visit to the dentist can bring pleasant memories)) On the next visit, I went with peace and confidence that I was in good hands and everything will be as high quality and professional as possible!
Klinik im Zentrum
Evan White (Dresden)
Jesteśmy zaskoczeni poziomem usług reprodukcyjnych na Ukrainie
Mam 42 lata i niestety, po dwóch nieudanych zabiegach in vitro w Warszawie, lekarz zalecił mi pogodzenie się z faktem, że nie będę mogła mieć dziecka. Byłam jednak gotowa zrobić wszystko, aby mieć swoje dziecko. Zacząłem przyglądać się klinikom repruduktologii w innych krajach. Dowiedziałem się, że na Ukrainie usługi repruduktologiczne są znacznie nowocześniejsze i wyższej jakości. We Lwowie zadzwoniłam do artklinik, lekarz rozmawiał ze mną po polsku i wysłał mi propozycję leczenia i technologii, w której nie potrzebowałabym komórki jajowej dawczyni. W Polsce nawet tego mi nie zaproponowano. Martwiłam się wojną na Ukrainie i tym, czy wyjazd będzie bezpieczny. Ale po przeczytaniu ponad 100 wiadomości zdałam sobie sprawę, że Lwów znajduje się blisko granicy z Polską i jest bezpiecznym miastem, ponieważ jest daleko od walk. Mój partner i ja pojechaliśmy samochodem, przejście graniczne było łatwe i bez kolejek. Szybko dotarliśmy do Lwowa, piękne miasto. Znaleźliśmy adres kliniki na mapie i już na nas czekali. Pierwsza wizyta była super, komunikacja super. Lekarze mówią płynnie po polsku. Wierzę, że wszystko się uda. Leczenie jeszcze przede mną, ale to co zobaczyłem na Ukrainie bardzo mile mnie zszokowało.
Kamila Lipka (Lublin)
Jesteśmy w ciąży
Mam na imię Nicole i pochodzę z Portland w stanie Oregon. Od 7 lat nie możemy z mężem począć dziecka. Zdiagnozowano u mnie niepłodność i przepisano mi kosztowne leczenie. Moja przyjaciółka pochodzi z Ukrainy i kiedy powiedziałam jej o problemach z ubezpieczeniem zdrowotnym, poradziła mi, żebym pojechała do Kijowa i tam się leczyła. Myśleliśmy z mężem, że to szaleństwo. Ale po kilku tygodniach zdecydowaliśmy się. Skontaktowałam się z Dmitrijem, który po zapoznaniu się z moją diagnozą zaproponował kilka możliwości klinik. Wybraliśmy klinikę Grischenko. Nasza lekarka Elena była bardzo miła i taktowna. To były trudne dni. Testy, badania. Byliśmy z mężem zmęczeni, ale to nie było na darmo. Nie mogliśmy przejść przez cały proces leczenia, musieliśmy wrócić do domu. Lekarze spotkali się z nami i dostosowali niektóre zabiegi do naszych możliwości. Wróciliśmy do domu zmęczeni, ale dosłownie pół roku później udało nam się zajść w ciążę. Dziękuję.
Fertility clinic V.I. Gryshchenko
Nicole Coleman (Portland, Oregon)
The services are ok. But its been a long road for us
We had a surrogacy programme and our child was born on 20.02.2022 in Ukraine in Kiev. We had bought tickets for 26.02.2022, but on 23.02.2022 air communication with Ukraine was cancelled. We had to fly first to Warsaw, rent a car there and drive to Kiev to pick up our child. In general, we are grateful to сlinik Lita, because it was not their fault. Everything went according to plan and the contact was good.
Li Wei (China)
Владыкина - бриллиант!
Как только узнали про проблему, так сразу и к Владыкиной. Наталья Владимировна - это не врач, а волшебница! Подход у нее такой личный, словно ты единственный пациент. С нами сидела, все разжевала, какие шаги будем предпринимать. И вот, спустя пару месяцев лечения - положительный результат. Не верилось, глазам своим! Скажу так, если бы не она, то и счастья нашего сейчас не было бы. Владыкина - это шанс, который должен быть у каждой пары с такой проблемой. Рекомендую от всей души!
Валерия (NY, USA)
Все добре
До Криштафовича потрапила випадково, але тепер тільки до нього і піду. Спеціаліст - вогонь, все по поличках розклав, ніякого лікарського мовлення-загадки. Лікування підібрав ідеально, я вже за пару тижнів почувала себе краще. І ще, відчувається, що йому не байдужі його пацієнтки, реально переймається. Рекомендую всім, хто шукає не просто лікаря, а людину з великої літери в цій професії.
Клініка Альтернатива
Поліна (Львів)
Cieszę się, że tam byłem.
Po krótkiej rozmowie postanowiłem zaryzykować wyjazd na Ukrainę. Tam jest dobra medycyna stomatologiczna w prostych przypadkach. Z Berlina leciałem przez Kijów. W Charkowie spotkała mnie Anna. Bardzo miła dziewczyna. Podczas jazdy do hotelu opowiedziała mi wiele o mieście i Ukrainie. Od razu zamieszkałem w hotelu i od razu dostałem obiad. Następnego dnia zostałem zbadany w Misto Dent. Doktor Evgeny przedstawił schemat leczenia, a ja zdałem sobie sprawę, że zostanę na tydzień, ponieważ trzeba wyleczyć 5 zębów. W ciągu tego tygodnia miałem czas na wycieczki i spacery po mieście. Po 6 miesiącach wszystko jest w porządku z moimi zębami, jestem zadowolony z usług firmy, kliniki i gościnności kraju. Mam nadzieję, że ta recenzja okaże się pomocna.
Misto Dent
Heinrich Krause (Berlin, Niemcy)
Professional, but sooooo boring
Here i’ve endodontial treatment. Attentive, professional, but sooooo boring. Doctor has thoroughly cleaned each channel, one turned out to be with some distortion. I could not get there. But it still worked. Then I sealed all the canals and the tooth. They did it with anesthesia, which passed literally an hour after treatment. Perfectly! Tooth like new. Now I can eat everything on this side.
Dylan Calhoun (GB)
I'm glad I was there.
After a short conversation I decided to risk going to Ukraine. There is good dental medicine there for simple cases. I flew from Berlin via Kiev. In Kharkov I was met by Anna. A very nice girl. While driving to the hotel she told me a lot about the city and Ukraine. I settled in the hotel immediately and immediately got lunch. The next day I was examined at Misto Dent. Doctor Evgeny charted the scheme of treatment and I realized that I will stay for a week, because need to treat 5 teeth. During that week I had time to go on excursions and just walk around the city. After 6 months everything is great with my teeth, I am satisfied with the service of the company, clinic and the hospitality of the country. I hope this review will be helpful.
Misto Dent
Heinrich Krause (Berlin, Germany)
Рекомендую Латишеву Інну Василівну!
Після народження дитини в мене виникла ерозія шийки матки. На той час мені було 28 років, і я планувала ще одну дитину, тож не поспішала робити припікання ерозіїї. Потім війна, я поїхла в Польщу, не знаю можливо через стрес в мене почалися кровянисті виділення. Я звернулася в Польщі до гінеколога по NFZ, так він під час огляду навіть не повідомив, що в мене почалася прогресуюча стадія ерозії! Виділення стали більшими, додався біль. Я вирішила їхати додому, в Київ, бо зрозуміла, що за кордоном не буде ради. Я довго переглядала відгуки по лікарнях, бо боялася натрапити на халатність! Врешті я звернулася до Киймедикал. Не пожалкувала! Відношення та компетентність лікарів у порівнянні з Польщею, це небо і земля!
Юлія Шандиба (Київ)

How do we organize your medical trip?

1. Leave a request on the site (preferably with all tests, images and statements)
2. Have an online meeting with a leading therapist for initial diagnosis
3. Have your arrival, accommodation, food, stay and treatment arranged according to your preferences
4. Get the invoice and have your tickets, appointments with a doctor, a hotel room, etc reserved
5. Have transfers to the hotel and other visits: medical institution, hotel, restaurants, etc. arranged
6. After successful treatment get your bill and transfer to the airport

All about Ukraine

Ukraine is one of the most beautiful, hospitable, and interesting countries in the world. It is the largest state of Europe and it is on its territory, back in the 19th century Austro-Hungarian geographers established the geographical center of Europe.

Ukraine is the only country in the world that voluntarily gave up its arsenal of nuclear weapons, which was the third largest in the world. And it was here that the first Constitution in history was created in 1710!

And its language has repeatedly been called one of the most melodious and beautiful!

This country combines incredible history, wonders of architecture, nature, and human genius!

So what is worth seeing in the expanses of this amazing country?

 Let's start, of course, with the capital of Ukraine - the city of Kyiv.

  • It is here that the deepest metro station in the world is located. The Arsenalna metro station is as deep as 105 meters. The closest subway station to these figures is in North Korea, and getting there will not be so easy.
  • The central street of Kyiv - Khreshchatyk, despite all its attractions, is the shortest main street of all the capitals of Europe. And its length is 1225 meters.
  • Another architectural construction, worthy of attention, is certainly the highest monumental sculpture in Europe - the Motherland. Its height with a pedestal is 102 meters. Rodina is holding a 16-meter sword in her hand. The area of the shield is almost 100 square meters.
  • In Kyiv, there is the oldest academy in Eastern Europe - the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, founded in 1615.
  • The Paton Bridge, named after the academician Eugene Paton, is the first all-welded bridge in the world, where for the first time all seams, including the installation ones, were made by means of automatic welding. His son, Boris Paton, developed the technology for open-space welding and soft tissue joining, which reduces blood loss during operations.
  • The Kyiv Mechanical Plant - where the largest and most cargo-carrying aircraft in the history of world aviation, the An-225 Mriya, was designed

But if you just want to relax you will find plenty of entertainment in Kiev. Andrew's Descent, a huge number of parks, one of the largest water parks, modern street art, and the unique atmosphere of the city will not leave you indifferent.

However, traveling in Ukraine is not worth stopping only at Kyiv.

For example, Lviv is one of the most tourist cities in Ukraine. Its rich history, for example, here in 1853 the kerosene lamp was invented, and architectural heritage has turned the city into a magical place, unlike anything else. Only here you can visit the Museum of lard, and after that, you can walk to the Museum of chocolate. Lviv has an unimaginable coffee tradition, in which Turkish, Austrian, Hungarian, and Polish ideas about coffee are mixed. This is not a city, but a real paradise for the coffee drinker.

Odesa is the pearl of Ukraine. The city is on the shores of the Black Sea. With the ancient architecture, beaches, and the most delicious fruit.

In Dnieper, there is the longest embankment in Europe, a length of 30 km. On the Ternopil region is the longest cave "Optimistic", lasting about 267 km. The tourists who have visited the cave will be impressed not only by its length but also by the amazing mineral formations, which have been growing inside for thousands of years. Not only does "Optimistic" lie in a gypsum layer, but the environment here resembles a futuristic Arctic landscape due to the fact that everything around is covered with a snow-white "blanket", playing all the colors of the rainbow in the light of lanterns.

Near Nikopol, you can observe a rare natural phenomenon called "singing sands". They "sing" after the rain, when a thin crust forms on the sand surface. Walking on the sand, you can hear the amazing sound, remotely resembling a song.

In Kherson region is the second-largest desert in Europe! Aleshkovski sands with the incredible landscape, and a variety of flora and fauna. Two hundred thousand hectares of dunes and dunes, and in the summer the sand here heats up to 70 degrees.

Kharkiv is the first capital of Ukraine and one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. It is a city of students, science, and youth. The country's best parks, roads, incredible historic downtown, the largest flea market, and a huge Freedom Square in the heart of the city. And it was here, for the first time in history, that a kidney transplant was performed in 1933.

 In Lutsk is located the longest house in the world! The building is 1750 meters long, built in the form of a honeycomb, and connects forty houses with a hundred and forty entrances.

The Carpathian Mountains are another unforgettable vacation spot in Ukraine. Ski resorts of Zakarpattya are not inferior to European resorts and the tourist inflow increases every year. Modern elevators, slopes of varying difficulty levels, comfortable chalets, and service - make tourists return here every year.

Besides that, even if you're not a skier or a snowboarder, you should come to Ukraine's mountains for dizzying views and traditional Hutsul cuisine. You can also see the trembita, the longest musical instrument in the world. It can be up to four meters long, and its sounds can be heard more than ten kilometers away.

Ukraine is the country with the tastiest fruits and vegetables because 1/4 of all the black earth on the planet is concentrated here. During World War II, German soldiers even transported Ukrainian chernozem on trains. The area is home to a number of insanely talented people, including actresses Mila Kunis, Mila Jovovich, and Olga Kurylenko, who are Ukrainian. Even Pablo Picasso himself was inspired by the works of Ukrainian artist Kateryna Belokur.

The Ukrainian Christmas song "Shchedrik", sounds on ringtones, commercials, Christmas movies, and shows, only it is called Carol of the Bells or Ring Christmas Bells, today there are about 1000 variations of its performance. It has an unbelievable history dating back to the times of the largest transport route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" passing through its territory.  It was more than three thousand kilometers long and connected the northern lands of ancient Russia with the southern Russian lands, and the Baltic Sea with the Black Sea.

Another point of interest in Ukraine is the Lavra. Of the twelve laurels in the world, four are located in Ukraine. Three are Orthodox and one is Greek Catholic:

  • Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, the city of Kyiv, has existed since 1051.
  • Pochaev Lavra, the city of Pochaev, Ternopil region, was founded in 1833.
  • Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra in the city of Svyatogirsk, Donetsk region. Has had the status of a monastery since 2004.
  • Holy Dormition Monastery of Univiska Studia charter (Greek Catholic), Univ, 1898.

Other monasteries: two in Russia and Greece and one each in Poland, Romania, Palestine, and Georgia.

It is impossible to visit Ukraine and remain indifferent to its nature, cities, and, of course, people. To the most beautiful girls, friendly and hospitable hosts, and general hospitality, which will accompany you in every corner of our homeland. Even the famous French writer Honoré de Balzac was so impressed by Ukraine that he chose this place for his wedding.

Travel, and discover the new and unexplored world of beautiful and wonderful Ukraine!